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Trade With Caution
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About Sooyoung

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  1. Unlucky, took 2400~ tokens to my d defender for my med lvl
  2. You should get 83 range for knife max hit, you could probably pull 55m atleast since you're trusted
  3. Seems like all of my new accs get banned within 50 hours of botting
  4. It's just in Chrome you can't play in browser :P
  5. Just let me bot, if I get banned I'll make a reddit topic saying I'm innocent anyway!!
  6. The absolute safest is probably to sell acc for rsgp and sell the gp to somewhere trusted. Anykind of "insurance" is bologna, and they can fuck you either way.
  7. https://i.gyazo.com/1b0b4addf63e84193158f127178a4aa9.png got this one if u want, got d def and torso.
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