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Posts posted by Woody

  1. lol i have a full time job, i have free time to do what ever the fuck i desire. And pursuing this would be one. And i dont have to pretend, i am Mr. Fucking Awesome.


    I could extract 'Pot" out of your sentence and replace it with Runescape and send it back at you.. How do you feel now? wink.png butt hurt?

    Sorry, I don't know how to smoke "Runescape". Perhaps you could show us, you're the drug user here

  2. Its not like hes hurting anybody. Personally this belongs on like r/trees or something but yeah.


    I do enjoy an occasional smoke or dab but I usually don't brag about it or whatever  

    He IS hurting someone; he's hurting the society with his bullshitting. But I don't give a fuck about that, just posted my thoughts, so fuck off

  3. Check the animation? Perhaps there's a certain animation id when you get stunned. Or you could check the message in the chatbox; if message that you're stunned -> sleep/wait.

    I believe stunned = animating no? So just while myPlayer().isAnimating() make it sleep/wait (I think you can eat stunned idk tho). Someone more familiar with thieving will correct me if I am wrong tongue.png

    omg are we related or something??


    Btw, inb4 @Bobrocket

    • Like 1

    You could use the IDs of the different chests, although this might break if the IDs ever change.


    Or yes use Loud packs technique, where you just create two positions, one for each Chest, and interact with the chest in the relevant position:


    Without the use of a filter, to loot "Chest 1" would look like:

    Position chest1 = new Position(x, x, x);
    for ( RS2Object obj : getObjects() ){
        if (obj.getPosition() == chest1 ){

    Or with a filter:

    getObjects().closest(o -> o.getPosition().equals(new Position(x, x, x))).interact();

    I would strongly recommend using filter.


    Getting all objects is unnecessary and not so efficient.

    • Like 1
  5. Why are you setting hover and an action in method 1? You should be using MoveMouseEvent instead (from what it looks like). I'm sure Zach will take a peek at this later.

    I was just testing some things and found out setting interactionEvent on hover works actually nicely. I could try to do it with MoveMouseEvent to see if it gives different result or no.
    • Like 1
  6. I'm still having problem with interactions with npc.


    The problem only occurs when the entity is moving; the mouse will follow the entity until it stops and then interact.


    Take a look (the quality sucks, don't know how to get it better):


    You can see how the mouse is "chasing" the moving npc.


    I didn't have this problem with version .123. Latest version I tested before .131 was .127, and it was worse than now. I made no changes in my code since version .123. It was working perfectly fine until now.


    This is what I'm using:

    InteractionEvent ie = new InteractionEvent(entity, "Attack");
    	if(IE.hasFinished()) {
    		if(api.getMouse().isOnCursor(entity)) {
    			if(api.getMouse().click(false)) {
    				return api.getMouse().getCrossHairColor().equals(CrossHairColor.RED);

    And I tested osbot's interaction, which gives same result as above:

    NPC npc = getNpcs().closest(true, "Chicken");
    if npc != null
  7. I'm still having problem with interactions with npc.


    The problem only occurs when the entity is moving; the mouse will follow the entity until it stops and then interact.


    Take a look (the quality sucks, don't know how to get it better):



    I didn't have this problem in version .123. Last version before .131 I tested was .127 and it was worse than now. I made no changes in my code since version .123.

  8. With any botting client or script, private scripts are usually the best because their interactions differ if only slightly from the bots that the general public has access to. If you're willing to pay that amount for a script, consider hiring a scripter on here to develop you a fresh one from scratch so you can have less of a threat of being banned.

    Also, welcome to the community.

    False. So false.


    The developer has its on style of interactions and will almost be the same as the rest of his/hers scripts. You got zero proof to back your theory so stop giving members false hope.


    On topic:


    Welcome to OSBot! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.

    • Like 1
  9. If you are wanting to hover over an entity your using the completely wrong logic, you should first attack an NPC, then check you are in combat in another state/node and then hover over another NPC.

    Think about the logic, I haven't had any issues with the mouse in .27 and I've just re-written my whole agility script to use the new interaction sequences. @Zach did an amazing job props <3

    Sorry to say, but you got it all wrong. The code I posted is just a part of my attacking method. Thanks though for your explanation, however I already knew about it. Hence http://osbot.org/forum/topic/74095-hovering-entitys-option/

    The reason I posted here is because the bug appeared in v 127 and I made no changes in the code. When I switched back to v 123, it was working perfectly fine.

  10. Yea, your logic is wrong. Try to learn what boolean really is and you should do some null checks (check if item != null etc.).


    You should also learn how to use dynamic sleep instead of static sleep. How do you know that the script should sleep between 300 and 430 ms. Why 130 ms in difference?


    For dynamic sleep use api's ConditionalSleep.

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