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Posts posted by Woody

  1. Both are amazing, but vg doesn't have the charisma.



    Not really athletically relevant I guess, but since you brought up style... tongue.png


    But I have respect for both teams and managers biggrin.png

    True that. LVG looks very serious, and so was SAF. Some karisma would be better yea


    btw, are you a chelsea fan?

  2. I guess they stopped being good in 2009


    .. Troll.png


    (just kidding, I like the team actually, but really can't stand van Gaal tongue.png)

    And you like Mourinho? Not so much difference. Well sometimes Mourinho can be more arrogant (not saying it's a bad thing ;))

  3. I'm not sure what you want to do with all walkable tiles in a global pathfinding system.

    You could create nodes at intersections:


    with as much detail as you like, you should create a script to assist you.

    Then you use A* to compute a path. 

    To traverse the edges you either write your own local walking function or use the builtin one.

    Your web or whatever people call it is now just a list of nodes (tiles) and associated edges (undirected in this case), which you should indeed store in a file.


    Hmm.. Sound difficult to get retrieve tiles at intersections, or perhaps I am wrong.

  4. A web walker is a lot more than just using the A* path finding algorithm, thats only half the battle. You have to create the "Web" itself using the other half which is an edge weighted graph populated with nodes.

    Every tile in RS is a Node and the distance between two nodes are the weight associated to that edge. If you have no idea what that is then I would suggest searching up Edge Weighted Graphs first happy.png

    How do you retrieve all walkable tiles? Do you have to manually walk around and use something like getRegion() to load the tiles? Are you then supposed to save the tiles/nodes in a file? :)
  5. Rigth now I am reading about A* algorithm to learn how it works. I know that most people who have wrote a web walker has used A*. My question to those people is: how did you first begin creating your very own web walker? Did you do some exercises to practice on A* algorithm or did you learn the function and headed straigth to make a web walker script?

    I am really interested in making a web walker, it does not have to be very complex, that can handle easy objects such as doors etc, but I have no idea how to begin. Any tips/ideas?

  6. Oh ye there's my mistake.


    My knowledge of Java is far from the best ahaha, but I want to learn on the way... As I did just now smile.png.




    Can I maybe add you on skype? smile.png


    Trust me, learn some java first. You don't have to learn everything, but you should know the basic java.


    Sorry, my skype is for private use only.

  7. I'm trying to remodel : http://osbot.org/forum/topic/69541-lesser-demon-killer-script-source-with-comments-educational/


    Into killing some cows ahaha.


    In the script itself it can only find one monster?: private static final String NAME = "Lesser demon";

    Or is it possible to just create another static string with for example: private static final String NAME = "Cow calf";



    Also I want it to take items?


    So I made an enum: TAKE



    But how would I go about making it detect the item for example: "cowhide" on the ground and taking it?

    If you think you can use same name to declare 2 different strings, then you need to learn some java.


    When declaring strings, ints, booleans, give it a name so you know what it is about.



    private final String cow = "Cow";

    or you can create an array of strings and the script will look and find one of the monsters

    private final String[] monsters = {"Lesser demon", "Cow", "Cow calf"};

    In your getState() you could write

    final GroundItem cowhide = groundItems.closest("Cowhide");


    if(cowhide != null && cowhide.isVisible()) {
        return state.TAKE;

    Use this http://osbot.org/api/

  8. I wouldn't do this. This will be really buggy and hardly work. Use if-else method and get the ids for every widget; by that you can check if a widget is null or not.


    For instance:

    if(widget1 != null) {
        do action
          for(int i = 0; i < 100 && widget1 != null; i++) {
                 sleep(random(4, 8));   // will sleep random 400-800 ms since 4*100=400 and 8*100=800, or till widget1 == null
    } else {
        talk to foreman and wait for widget1 using dynamic sleep like a for-loop

    and so on

    • Like 1
  9. Theres a reason rsbot is no longer popular

    I lol'd actually.


    The reason rsbot is no longer popular as it was before, has nothing to do with the amount of free scripts.

    "Easy-made" is hard to objectify since you can make anything relatively complex.


    If you want to make free scripts, I suggest you find something without a direct premium counterpart, there are still plenty of untouched niches. The script market is tough as it is, having to compete with free is fighting a lost battle.

    I understand you. It is obvious if there is a really good AIO script, it should not compete with a free version. But some premium scripts should really not be premium, specifically scripts like ghoul killer, granite miner, cannonball smither and many more.

  10. Someone clarify this:


    Apparently you can't release a premium script if there's a free script of it, gl guise

    Yea, I also take that as you can't release a premium script if there's a same version for free.

  11. Poorly maintained scripts should not be premium

    What's wrong with having a script which is easy to code as a premium one? the fact that it is premium guarentees the userbase is lower and the script is well maintained. This cannot be said for free scripts

    Oh boy, I can tell that you've not been around when rsbot was the most popular bot. So many good, free scripts made by kind people.



    What's wrong with having a script which is easy to code as a premium one? 

    Easy to make should be free, because it's easy to make it.


    Hard to make should be premium if wanted, because the person devote a lot of their free time to the project; should be rewarded. wink.png

  12. You can do this ^ but it wont sell very well unless the free one is broken/bad

    But you cannot release a free version of a premium script.

    I'm not planing on releasing any premium scripts. I want to release free scripts.


    I find it pity that some people release scripts as premium when it should be for free. Like ghoul killer for instance sleep.png

  13. Well there was a huge debate over this, and I'm pretty sure there is already a free AIO fletcher unless vlad made his premium. If you don't release it on the SDN though it's free game.

    It was just an example since there are already premium fletching scripts.


    I'm not releasing an AIO fletching script.

    I'm not allowed to release a premium AIO script if there's already a free one?

  14. Don't know where else to put this, but I have a question.


    Am I allowed to release a free script even though there's a same script which is premium?


    AIO Fletcher for instance.

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