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  1. is khal's scripts bad or something? I got to 90 agility 2 years on it but then got banned
  2. so i came back to 07scape three weeks ago... and both of my pures i have been training with membership have gotten permanently banned. I was using Khal's agility, perfect thiever mainly. I botted only like 1/3 of the time on both of the accounts... well the first account i got a little reckless and botted agility for 8 hours but other than that the second pure i was much more careful. they both have received PERMANENT bans.... not even 2 day. Im pissed because I wasn't even botting money making or something like that. I don't know what to do now. It is extremely discouraging getting permanently banned, but i guess its good i got banned before i even put more effort in the account... i had about 10m i bought on each of the accounts too. should i just play legit? Is botting not for me? I must be doing something wrong
  3. Hi guys. I have botted two accounts and they both got banned, with almost level 99s... kind of discouraging but i keep starting over hoping to bot smarter this time. what scripts are the best in your opinion that have a really really low banrate? I don't have multiple accounts really, just use two... so i would like the safest one to bot on my main with. if you guys have any tips too please share. im coming back to the game from a break. thanks!
  4. got perm banned 1 hour after i used this for 10 minutes. lost 10m + good pure... was bugging out at the master farmer moving camera up and down up and down... fuck!!!!
  5. but this is a botting forum is it not lol
  6. Breaks are like 2-3 hours. I manually watch my bots usually while doing something else, so I don't set the intervals. I just manually log-out.
  7. I just got banned again, made my second account after my main got banned, for botting agility. Well, I just got banned again. This time for agility again.. I was using Khaleesi's script, the best one to use imo... yet still get banned. I will note that I was using Czar's fisher and got to 80 fishing in a WEEK botting 12+ hours a day. Seemed to be less attention for fishing... Khaleesi's, since I knew to be careful with agility since my main with precious gold god and legit stats got banned getting to 85 agility from 70, and botting less than an HOUR a day. I logged out last night without overnight botting, woke up with ban. My IP is dynamic so it changes so idk... but man I'm pissed. I've been trying to recover and each time I get banned I get more discouraged to continue playing. I've played since 2005 and started botting around a few years ago... I dunno. Sad post edit:will be getting the mirror asap
  8. Got two day ban on my main botting agility, played legit for two months. Started botting agility again, perm banned within 12 hours. Don't risk it.
  9. I got a 2-day ban 2 months ago botting agility with khaleesi's script. It was great, got from like 72-85 agility in like two weeks, but then got the bot-busting moderate. I then botted again last week and got perm banned. So if you have received a 2-day ban, never bot on that account again don't even risk it. I got banned within 12 hours when I started botting again and it was a good account too... currently working on my second one... if anyone has any tips, that would be great. Currently using Czar's scripts and Khaleesis for agility, although I'm much more careful using Khal's agility script now and try to only do it on weekends now. Her script is spot-on, however I feel like Jagex is manually looking into this a lot more for some reason... it sucks because it's not a skill exactly exciting to train, but it's so useful when you get high agility...
  10. yeah this is true good thinking didn't think of that. Thank you for giving me advice this time lol. Sorry for getting upset.. it's just that it was an account I worked very hard for and im a bit sad about it. I am not greedy though and that just made me upset you guys would think that. I will get the mirror when its optimal for me.
  11. I am aware of that... and wine bottler and all that sort... yet it doesn't run very well still until I can afford a new computer. It also is a big hassle for me to keep switching between operating systems. and yeah.. i saw the mods deleted them
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