1. Pictures of the account stats
2. Pictures of the login details
3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) None
4. Pictures of the quests completed
5. The price you will be starting bids at 7m
6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 15m
7. The methods of payment you are accepting OSRS GP
8. Your trading conditions Does not come with original email, will transfer to what ever email you want, you go first or get a mm.
9. Pictures of the account status
10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address
Original Owner, email will be transferred to yours.
So the reason for that is, this build can be done at 10hp aswell. have much lower cb, but having this hp lvl with this cb is the best. with 10hp few specs start giving you hp lvl thus cb lvls. with this build you can get 2 hp lvls before getting a cb lvl. This is also great for getting emblems as u can do rune knife to gmaul combo.
50 attk - quested
50 str
1 def
15 prayer -quested avas
67 ranged - used cannon to get no hp xp
Great account for dbow rushing, attack is there incase you want to do gmaul pure later, strength trained to train hp.
20+ days of membership remaining aswell, no mutes no bans. All hand done.
Not accepting paypal, only osrs gp