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  1. Dialogue still doesn't work in knights sword
  2. Quite buggy at the moment and will almost 100 percent get a ban if I leave it running for more than ten minutes, just spazzing out clicking all over the screen fix please
  3. Getting this bug that whenever I ran the bot for around 20 mins it freezes on the boat journey back?
  4. And I had 5 different accounts banned in the space of an hour, again hardly practical do not buy guys
  5. Don't buy this bot then it bans you after an hour hardly practical, some friendly consumer advice
  6. Banned after an hour of using how shit lol refund please
  7. Should I just put it down to a bad bit of luck then?
  8. Nono it was a paid script it hasn't been updated in a while though and it was just al-kharid Scrap that it has been updated quite recently
  9. Haven't been playing or botting RS for a year or two not but bought vip and mirror client again and did some steel bars with the old script I purchased of divinity I botted for a total of 4 hour 2 hours first then an hour break and another 2 between 12-5am gmt woke up to a ban already what gives is botting completely impractical now was it the script I was using? Completely disheartened to continue botting at this point
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