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  1. Hi, I liked you're page, can i have a trial? Thanks
  2. Hey! Is the first ban from botting always 48hr or is there a way you can get instantly permanent ban from botting, even If you don't have a earlier offence from botting? If answer is yes, what is the usual reason for getting straight permanent ban rather than 48hr ban? Thanks
  3. Hey! At the moment when character is out of runes the script doesn't seem to end. Was doing stun on bear and saw after a while that i was out of runes and it still tried to use stun on bear.
  4. Hey! Is there like a amount "x" which need to be arrows on the ground before the bot picks them up?
  5. Hey! I was using normal mode. I tried to bear too in varrock but after about 24min, same thing, misklicked to charge fire orb
  6. When i'm using enfeeble spell on zombies in magic guild, after like 20-40min it always misklicks the enfeeble spell and accidentally presses on "charge fire orb" spell and after thta it just stays standing there doing nothing. Have happened to me now 3 times. So some update that the bot recognizes when it selects wrong spell and goes back to the original one, would be great.
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