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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Cooper1992

  1. Yes I have what you could call boatloads of cash lol. How about thoughts on steel bars? Typically you would forge more steel bars per hour than mithril I'm assuming, I'm averaging 380k profit per 1k mith bars smelted.
  2. Quite new to this, done maybe 20 hours on it so far, only mithril bars. Averaging about 220k profit an hour, was curious if doing steel bars would be more money per hour (coal bag) compared to mithril. Also thoughts on adamantite bars? Near to 70 smithing.
  3. Mine also does the same with only one account on Mirror client, like 85-95% cpu usage. Really irritating I can't do 2 accounts at once, or if I use something like youtube then sometimes the bot will slow down / seem more laggy.
  4. Yes, otherwise this topic wouldn't be posted lol.
  5. Hi, I've got the option `dismiss all randoms` ticked for all the account saved on my client, I'm currently using mirror mode. It still doesn't dismiss any randoms is there something i'm missing?
  6. Yes it is currently a mirror problem unfortunately. Also gathered from a few threads back this should be run with anti-ban off if looking to keep the script running longer supposedly, I've been running it with the anti-ban on haven't really noticed any difference maybe a bit less bars with anti ban, does it really matter having it on like is it actually safer?
  7. Alright thanks for the replies, Will definitely be purchasing this script once the trial has ended. Also, does using the `use bucket` option make bars p/h any significantly faster/slower?
  8. I've been babysitting it for the past hour, it often misclicks and runs behind the conveyor belt when coming from the bank.
  9. Any specific mouse options, like `left click where available` `right click only` or does it not make a difference?
  10. Alright thanks, yeh from my progress so far it's 650 bars per hour averaging with mith ores and coal bag. I've been running it with the anti-ban on, I've read from a few posts on a couple of ages before this that I should turn it off, is that still true?
  11. Would also like to know this, in comparison to steel bars which would be more profit per hour?
  12. Mithril or steel bars for more profit per hour?
  13. I received a 48 hour bann using a premium agility script on here a few months ago, I wasn't using mirror client at the time. Agility seems to be a high bann rate from what I know, lucky it was only a 48 hour ban.
  14. Been using mirror client for about 12 hours each day for 4 days now, mirror client seems to be ultimate. Not sure if this is down to just the mirror client alone, or the fact that I'm avoiding doing commonly botted skilled in commonly botted locations. Will post another update in about a week.
  15. I would like a trial on this please, thanks.
  16. Yes you are in the same boat for me, I haven't botted for a good few months. I currently started botting my account which has received an 48 hour bann already months go, started botting it last night, 18 hours on mirror client (didn't use mirror when i got banned before) and it looks healthy so far. Will keep you updated if anything changes, if not, then hopefully mirror client can ensure a healthy botting future lol.
  17. Alright thanks for the feedback you two, is it the mirror client you are both using? Also which kinda skills have you been doing, i'm going to avoid highly used scripts for that extra sense of safety.
  18. Yes you have had alot of success botting on an account which has received a 48 hour bann already?
  19. Hi, My account has already received an 48 hour bann from an agility script I think, this was around 2 months ago. Since then I have manually got 99 range, done aload of quests, and other things amongst that. I am curious if anyone has successfully botted for a long while after receiving an 48 hour bann on the same account? replies would be great, thanks. I know obviously it's better to use a fresh account after receiving a 48 hour bann, but what are your thoughts on using mirror client on the same account this time around?
  20. Alright thanks for the replies, is VAT added or is it just the single fee of $9.99?
  21. Script requested: Khal Motherlode Member number: 156605 Thanks, have also purchased your agility and ogres script in the past. Hopefully this will be next after a good review from trial.
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