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Posts posted by DPSkillaS

  1. Thought about the substitution method but the place has a a 96-98 F requirement for the urine so it has to come from my body or I need a microwave in the pisser.

    Hand warmers. 

  2. They'res this drink called qCarb20. 


    Basically what you do is drink it 3-4 hours before your're drug test.

    Directly after drinking the drink your pee will look like a glow stick it will be so yellow.

    Then you drink mad mad mad water.

    As you're drinking you will be peeing no joke.

    Suddenly your'e pee will become entirely clear, at this point you are just pissing out water.

    Now here's the trick to not having the piss come out too dilute and getting denied on the spot.

    VITAMINS eat mad vitamins to get your pee yellow again.

    Take a home drug test to confirm that you can pass the test.

    If you fail at this point, don't worry you're not entirely screwed left they'res still one more think you can try.

    BUST A NUT  this will clean out your tubes and get any residue of THC out of your  peepee. 

    Take you're home drug test again, if you fail you're honestly screwed at this point but if you followed the above directions correctly you will be able to pass any drug test.  

    Also please note that the drink only lasts for 2-3 hours, so you need to drink the drink the day of the test, and plan it accordingly. 


    I used this in highschool to pass a drug test twice, and my friend used it in the court of law and it worked.  

    I also plan to use this drink again for my drug test coming up next week for job applications.






  3. They also don't realise the amount of bans, 'goldfarming' is dying out very quickly, (gold prices speaks for itself). At a time of the highest bans ever recorded we're now paying the initial purchase cost every month, what an absolute joke, even 50% is laughable. 


    If you're gonna money grab at least do it respectfully,$ 0.50-0.99 renewals for maintenance not 100%+  of scripts worth.

    I personally will only keep one prem script now, from the 12 or so that I had, what a fucking shame OSBot.

    Yeah this too,


    If its a monthly fee we can't be getting banned every fucking day.  The writer better be spending all day every day working on anti-ban and future updates, if the price is really going to be the same every month.



    On a side not:


    Why did you guys have 1 week of free scripts while the client was 100% not working, and the day you fix it you take away the free scripts.  Was this just to ensure that everyone thinks osbot2 is a piece of shit and not a single person buys a script?  Like honestly during those 7 days of using these scripts for free I wasn't able to run a single one of them for more than 20 mins, Not even joking at all.


    And now I really don't know if v2.1.19 fixed anything because the day it was released you guys started making the scripts payed. 


    Has anyone bought this shit yet? i hope not

  4. You guys another big problem with monthly fees is that I like to buy scripts just to have them for the rare occasion I'll need it. 


    For example:  The pest control script ->  I use this script to get full void, maybe 3-4 times a year.  Why would I pay a monthly fee for something, if I only use it like once a day every couple of months.  


    Also:  Real players tend to use more scripts than gold farmers because they have a lot of skills to train.  Do you expect a real player to spend 100$/month so he can have like 10-15 scripts in order to train all of his skills.  This dose not seem fair to me.


    I mean honestly I use 5-10 scripts every single week, They're no way I can afford to pay 50-100$/mo to use them (and as mentioned above some I rarely use but are very helpful to me)

    • Like 2
  5. Monthly fees are now required. I'm not allowed to put a script on the store without a monthly payment.

    Ahh i didn't know that my apologies xD 


    Are you not allowed to increase the price of the first purchase, and decrease the monthly renewing fee.  Like make it 15$ to buy and 4.99 to renew

  6. If every single script is monthly... then we shouldn't have to pay for VIP as well. 


    So i guess OSbot2 came out for one reason, and one reason only.  To fuck us entirely...


    Now we have to re-buy script we already payed for.  And that's not even the worst of it, now its a MONTHLY fee.



    I have 5 scripts that i use everyday, if i were to pay monthly for all five i'd be paying 55 usd a month for some scripts that have downtime of almost 30% from time to time.


    All i gotta say LMFAO 




    We are setting the price bar a bit higher because the previous market was horrible and not very rewarding for scripters especially longterm-wise.

    If demand plummets then I'm sure the prices will be adapted.

    Dude good script writers make thousands. IT's only the shitty ones that complain about not making enough. 

    Thinking is different than doing, plus overall their still more expensive for the average goldfarmer.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm with you guys on this one. A monthly fee is just stupid and I always supported the idea of instancing instead.

    Why are all of you'r scripts monthly fee then o.0 


    And a steep monthly fee I might add (same price as the script the first time you buy it) 


    So i'd literally have to re-buy this script every month?

  7. Well the thing is it's been working for the past 4 days and it just stopped working again today... which is why he made this thread.  I think its important that the developers know that the client hooks are broken.  How else would they fix it? lol


    Edit: nevermind i just noticed that the message from laz was from today not last week. xD

  8. LOL............what makes u think im gonna bot multiple tabs when randoms dont work? 


    If this site is not functual by the end of this month. i well be moving my services to another spot.


    I Think Almost 4weeks waiting for a bot to get threw randoms etc is being really patient no?

    if that isnt patient around here then this must be a non-stop issue this site has.

    I've personally farmed 500-800m 07 using this bot in the past month you just aren't using the right scripts or the right version...  Osbot2 isn't functional at all right now just use the older bot.  Although I will admit this last week has been stressful and my profits decreased significantly (almost to a break even point because of my proxies fees) because the three scripts I use on osbot1 were not working and osbot2 is currently broken



  9. ..So where is the osbot 1 version?

    Seriously tho... osbot2 isn't working at all atm.  (I've tried 10 different scripts) . Can we please use osbot1 again which was working perfectly fine?



    Edit:  i think they made a revision for osbot1, but not sure if they made a new version/ can't find a download link for osbot1

  10. Login screen is an RS issue I believe (although I may be wrong). Try loading the login screen on the browser and see if its any difference (on the same start-up world).

    You'r right it is an RS issue.  I had tried logging in using google chrome and am still having the same issue.  




    Is this officially the end of OSbot1? 


  11. It`s a myth, Tuesday is day when they do updates, ban-waves come in every day.

    Thursday they update the game.  Friday they observe the bots since the game was updated.  Banwaves are during the week mon-fri

  12. I just recently renewed my sponsor.


    Upon renewing my sponsor a double payment had occurred. 


    Maldesto refunded ONE of the two payments I had sent.


    My sponsor was taken away???




    I am not unable to run more than 1 script and suffering from ads please fix :)

  13. Here's a question: what's to stop people from charging back anyway? Also, what's the possibility of winning it? I doubt PP will acknowledge OSBot and stop a charge back just because staff here says it wasn't a hacked PP.


    ->if someone charges back they're Osbot account would be banned, and their PayPal would be black listed for when they come back around on the forums.  This is strickly to stop people from using hacked PPs


    -> PP does not have to acknowledge OSbot, if someone charges back it's still going to be at the sellers loss, this is just added protection. (Just like how condoms are only like 85% effective. )

    There are also other reasons to change back such as not receiving the item. What would you then do about that?


    ->f you are accepting you PayPal transactions correctly these are the easiest charge backs to resolve.  Actually regardless of the type of transaction these disputes are very easily won if proper evidence is provided.

    What would happen when people give fake documentation? What happens to all of the documentation that the admind will get from people? This is a big security issue. People dont even want admins to know their password in case - god forbid - the admin hacks them or something, yet people will just be willing to give up their personal info? Give it up to someone you don't even know that can very well commit identity theft? What'll happen if this I'd implemented and then people who give their info start receiving bills in the mail stating they've applied for credit cards and other loans and it's already maxed out?


    You dont need someone's social or other type of info for certain things. All you really need is their legal name, date of birth and registered address, which, coincidentally, is all located on a persons photo ID.

    Let's say the staff team is the nicest, humblest and most honest people I'm the world. What happens if, for some reason, this site or their accounts gets compromised and some outside person we know nothing of then gains access to all their info?


    ->ID does not necessarily need to be provided to verify.  There are plenty of other methods 

    Although charge backs scare everyone - I honestly know - I think this could potentially do more harm than good.


    I know this is idea will never actually happen, and I'm not arguing that there are no flaws in the idea because there certainly are.  


    I also made this thread a while ago :P 

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