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Posts posted by DPSkillaS

  1. I'm having issues using local scripts on osbot 1, and osbot 2 at the same time.  I can either use local scripts on one or the other, have any ideas on fixing this issue?


    As soon as I add a osbot 2 script to my folder, it crashes the osbot 1 local scripts :( and they are removed from the local script section of my script selection on osbot 1 

  2. Nah i do not, i was just saying in case you were.

    I've tried out some free scripts recently just sharing the results lol




    How were you running 2 accounts without VIP? blink.png



    Probably running 1 at day and 1 at night or something

  3. Just say "I use a third-party client to track my xp/hour. I am a hardcore skiller (or if you're doing combat, just say you like to know how long to the next level, etc), and physically seeing my numbers is such motivation for me. If this is a problem, I will receive punishment but don't be too harsh on me, as I am just ambitious!"


    If they come at you with physical evidence of botting, oops! Otherwise, how're they to tell you're lying?


    Jagex is pretty lenient if you're "honest". One day I noticed my membership renewed when I didn't want to. I was over 24 hours into my "next month" of my subscription. I messaged them, said this isn't what I wanted, and they cancelled my membership and refunded the monthly fee. They're nice to their honest, dedicated player, because they don't want to lose your business.


    TL;DR - My client is for XP tracking, not botting, release your own tracker or leave me alone

    Too bad nobody would even read your excuse lol

    • Like 1
  4. And then someone steals/leaks the database..

    and what gets a list of paypal emails?  its not like they would have a list of our passwords.


    Besides they already have a long list of all our payment methods from when we bought a script/VIP/Sponsor etc.


    I'm not really getting what can be leaked besides what they already have.  I must be missing something

    I think verifying your Paypal will be too complicated to implement right away, but verifying your account with a phone number is a start. 

    This actually might create a hazardous database tho

  5. I noticed more of CPU leak than anything.  Running 10 accounts makes my 8 cores stress out up to 100% but my RAM only goes to 3.5gb which is fine since I have 16gb of RAM.


    But anything this memory leak/CPU leak has been going on for 6 months now and isn't going to be changed so just get a better computer or switch clients dunno what else to tell ya

    • Like 1
  6. lifeteam is of the script not the script writer. If I were to put a lifetime script up today and 100 people bought then I removed it yesterday I would have done nothing wrong and wouldn't have had to give refunds because those 100 people had the script for its lifetime.

    idk where u are getting your info from...? If you did this have your script immediately removed from SDN and you would more than likely be banned from osbot for SCAMMIN' the newbs that actually bought your first script before it was tested.


    Anyways 1 time fee should guarantee that after "YOU" purchase a script it will run at least 1 month. 


    I don't care if the scripter gets hit by a bus 25 days after the purchase on a Thursday morning (right after rs updates).  If the script isn't fully functional within the month the buyer deserves a refund.  most of these 1 time payments are promised to be "lifetime" which shouldn't even be allowed because that's clearly false advertisement, none of these scripters will fix there scripts 10 years down the line. 


    All i gotta say to buyers is be careful which scripts you buy.  And all i gotta say to scripters is if you are releasing a script and not planning on updating don't expect to be a SDN scripter for more than a week and you'r scripts will be removed.


    Suggestion*** - New scripters should have some sort of tab, and until they prove they are not going to just quit on there scripts they don't receive pay.  This will prevent people from releasing scripts for the first time, and quitting within the month.  Essentially scamming a group of people and getting away with it should not be tolerated. 

  7. This would be awesome, except for the fact if someone gets scammed by a trusted user are we just supposed to ignore it because he says "haha no pm was sent" 



    Sorry we can't do this, the most we can do is resolve a skype and see if there was any foul play on the skype.

    I agree with mald on this one..


    ALTHOUGH if we did make it a real I would no object because I know within 1-2 weeks nobody would trade without asking for a PM.  And unless a PM is given I would just suspect the OP to be a scammer. 


    I always ask for PMs now even if I am 100% sure I have the right skype.  I unfortunately learned from my mistake because I lost like 30m to rsmalls when their skype got hacked. ---- And just they got banned without the PM.  

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