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  1. could I please have the experiment auth thank you sorry for the trouble.
  2. right, is the czar experiment one working?
  3. ill try it again and if it messes up ill record the issue so you can see what happens exactly also what about your fleshcrawlers script? Id like to exchange that if possible
  4. can i also get it, i mean if they work i did pay money for your scripts and im pretty sure this one got me banned or atleast flagged, im currently unsatisfied with your scripts
  5. im running it in standard mode and i got the same problem as him
  6. the only problem i encountered while having no options is the walking out of area and then in then out then in
  7. Here are some bugs im encountering Aggressive option is buggy, misses the click. It goes in and out of the cave for no reason and sometimes just stops outside of the cave. Walks out of the zone then back in then repeat for a good 10 minutes even though the crabs are attacking do you mind if i exchange this script for your czareperiments script?
  8. great script went from 40-63 range so far, ever thought of adding cannon support?
  9. bought it, but its not showing up in my bot list
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