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  1. Why drop trade? Just trade them over. Unless your main is botting too, you will be fine.
  2. 14-20 hours a day no breaks (not osbot, wrote the scripts myself) (1400+ total, 47M+ xp)
  3. Mate, you have no idea what you're talking about. You say "I am smart, I know things", yet you don't post a single fucking piece of evidence, then you have the audacity to ask others to "back up ur statements". So right off the bat you make yourself look like a fucking moron. Then, if that wasn't stupid enough, you actually make the claim that fishing is "great money" and that none of your accounts last longer than 24 hours after botting. I actually cannot tell if you're a really elaborate, subtle troll of if you're actually just this retarded. For the record, I've had accounts where I stopped botting and played legit for a few days, only to have them delayed banned up to a week later. You are an inexperienced, unintelligent botter with an ego far too enormous for your tiny pea brain. Go back to school kid.
  4. WARNING: Unsupported theories with no evidence other than my own personal experience ahead: - Botwatch only bans f2p accounts. 100% of p2p bans are manual. - Botwatch analyzes all accounts currently playing the game. Obviously this would cost a lot of money to do, so it works like a radar system, allocating the more CPU-intensive analysis to more suspicious accounts. The more botwatch is able to correctly "guess" your next action, the more suspicious your account becomes. At a certain suspicion level, botwatch starts recording your gameplay (and measuring timings between actions, reaction times, mouse movements, etc) and then it gets flagged for review by a JMod. JMods can review this data at any time, so it doesn't matter if you're online or not, your data has been added to the queue for review and you will be dealt with. I mean, how many p2p accounts do you think actually get banned a day? A couple hundred? This is feasible for 2 people to accomplish easily.
  5. isn't the standard client reflection, not injection? the mirror mode is just so it looks like you're accessing the game legit not from some unidentifiable client
  6. Yeah man I'm sure that throws Jagex completely off. Not like they can just look at the total wealth each person is trading and see that one person offered 50m and the other person offered 20gp worth of junk. I'm sure that kind of programming is just far beyond what Jagex can even dream of. Oh wait, it's already in the fucking game. Try dropping a noted stack of 1k battlestaffs. The game knows how wealth works.
  7. I think trading "commonly botted" items, or straight cash, is a dead giveaway. I never do it. I'm not giving away my tips, but use your imagination. Do not ever trade GP, logs, fish, ores (etc,etc) as I believe Jagex watch these trades if one party is transferring a lot of wealth to another. Who did you buy the proxies from for the mules? If no proxy, were there any bans on the IP before? What is the ban description in "Account" on the RS website for the mules? If your entire WC farm was on 1 IP, this would have got you insta-flagged. Jagex would watch for any account trading with this obvious farm. I trade directly between several accounts all the time, all of which bot every day, and they're all safe. Just be smart about it. Bahaha, cmon. You can literally ask Hans in Lumbridge how many hours your account has played.
  8. Not true, agility is high ban rate because it's easily detectable. And lots of people bot it since it's one of the least popular skills.
  9. as far as I can tell the client you use makes little difference. What matters most is your behaviour while in-game. I've been using a standard injection client for 3 weeks now on several accounts, 0 bans.
  10. what the fuck lol Macro = a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence should be mapped to a replacement output sequence according to a defined procedure. So botting = macroing = using scripts, they're the same thing. The length of your ban is presumed to be decided by a computer, which analyses your behavior and tries to guess the chances of you continuing to use scripts on your account after the ban. Typically, gold-farming accounts will be instantly banned since the chances of continuing to bot will be very high, based on data collected. And I guess typically most players will stop botting on "main" accounts once receiving a 2-day ban, hence the reason they are used.
  11. You're a cunt dude, sort your life out before you go acting like a child on the internet
  12. What is this, creating account and playing legit on home IP, then "hacking" it from a proxy and botting it on there, then when you get banned, go back on home IP and try to get account back?
  13. You can bot up to maybe 12 / 14 hours a day and be safe. Anything above that is really pushing it. Do NOT use anyone else's break schedule. Make up your own one, use your imagination. Make it original. Do not use popular scripts, free scripts, or buggy scripts. Those 3 things are the main reasons you will get banned, particularly the third one, pay close attention to it.
  14. Buy non-goldfarming items on GE with all your cash (use your imagination, pick items Jagex wouldn't be scanning for). Trade these non-suspicious items to your mule. Sell them on your mule. If done right you only lose a couple % of your GP, or if you have patience with GE, maybe less. These are my current suicide botter accounts. I put some manual play-time into both (quests, etc). Account on the left was going to be my main account (hence the Prayer level), but I got greedy and it received a 2-day temp, so I've been suiciding it since the temp, fuck it I may as well make some GP out of the account. The one on the right is a bit fresher, and surprisingly it has gone over a week now with no ban. Again, this is with a standard modified .jar client, not any reflection client. This is not from OSbot, though.
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