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  1. Waiting a year only expires the offence, where a quash is by JaGeX themselves. I may be wrong, but this is how mine looks after a year.
  2. If it works anything like "other" clients, it doesn't inject code into the game, so if by any miraculous day happens to come upon here and the client becomes detectable for even a few minutes, mirror will prevent detection by injection. People who think Mirror is a 100% ban evasion will learn the hard way.
  3. Thanks for the detailed explanation you three, that's all I needed. This thread can be locked/archived if anyone so pleases, since I can't lock it myself. Edit: Unsure if this is a bug or not, but since the webWalk handles obstacles itself, I assume curtains were never added (Closed ID 1533, Open ID 1534).
  4. Is it possible to get the webWalk positions array it creates? I'm trying to get the webWalk positions array so I can use them to figure out which tile has an obstacle that would need to be opened, such as a door or a gate. A lovely picture made in Excel can give you a visualization of what I'm attempting to do with webWalk.
  5. I play on the bot without using scripts plenty of times. If you're afraid of the bot being detectable, use mirror.
  6. Would you be able to give a trial?
  7. lmfaoown

    Stealth Quester

    I'm quite interested. Would you be able to trial me on this?
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