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Trade With Caution
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About gebotter

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  1. All I can do is refund his money I don't have the account nor do I have access to it this is redicoulous its like at wallmart when you take something back you get a return I'm offering to pay him in full, Refund my sponsor and ill send him the money right now. But if i refund him I know im getting iped thats why I just want the sponsor money back
  2. Does he want his $49 usd back? is this what this is fine ill let him scam me like his did easygoldshop Ill refund him right now but take this damn TWC off me and give it to him because this is the second time he's done this bc so far he has provided no evidence that i was the original owner of the account, he hasn't provided a thread with details or a disclaimer , he did this outside of osbots guidlines so how am I even being investigated by the staff here.
  3. I don't have the account nor did i recover it, If he wants his money ill send him w.e to have this end I dont have the time for this tbh.
  4. Did you or did you not claim to @Oliver to oliver that you spent $200 on this transaction. If you cannot prove that you spent $200 on this transaction all this is showing you are trying to aquire even more then you invested off this dispute. I am not replying again to anything you comment because it is anti progressive to what I am trying to accomplish with my life .
  5. http://prntscr.com/6zrzki in this picture i tried sending him to bogla.
  6. You can clearly see I even tried sending him to bogla for gp.
  7. Everything I told him to buy is the same as it is in this guide, he asked me what the best gear setup was all I was giving him was the proper info to run frost bugs barrows bot nothing more. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/70559-frostbarrows-script-management-guide-by-gebotter/#entry779824
  8. He threatned me as a user of the "Clearnet" that he would hack me, show up to my residence, and many other threatning comments that I felt more then enough not to continue contact with him.
  9. In the first dispute he opened up he claims to have lost $200 , I have proof his max investment was well under $100 and he was botting the account, so claiming to have leveled the account is out, and I wouldn't need a high risk account botted by someone else I don't even buy accounts unless they are hand trained . (Staff) Is a picture of his payments on paypal, He has threatned me on numorous occassions during this trade so I stopped contact with him during this time because it was futile to continue any further.
  10. I gave you all the info on this account and registered it to the email in the picture for the paypal, unless you can prove I did not do this then you are out of luck, and like I mentioned to mald, this is the 2nd time you have accused a high volume seller of scamming you. I think it's time you re think your trading methods because I notice you trying to "get refunds" on everything you do here.
  11. Lol, Can you prove that you had 65m osrs on the account for the value you are saying of $200?? You seen I was banned and called this out now I'm back I'll clear this up, Unless you can post the Pictures of the bank with 65m on it you do not have a $200 value, If you cannot prove I have the account or have recovered it then this is just accusations , because I don't have this account nor would I recover this account when there are over 5 accounts I've sold with 1650+ total level and over 200m on each account, also heres a picture of our transaction of $65 aussie currency or $49 usd.
  12. Thats generally how it would go brother
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