just an fyi for anyone using... make sure you dont fish in unpopulated areas as i was fishing lobsters in jatizso and was given a 2 day ban.. so probs try catherby to be safe. used the bot for tops 3 hours
hey idk if its just me but sometimes it doesnt bank rarnarr weeds or burma tourch.. but overall great script.. going to go for the motherload mine one next (could i get a trial if poss lol ).. keep up the good work
hey idk if its just me but sometimes it doesnt bank rarnarr weeds or burma tourch.. but overall great script.. going to go for the motherload mine one next.. keep up the good work
hey, i brought your script.. not exactly impressed with it.. the string amulet bot seems to be broken im gettin 60k xp/hr instead of 150k it seems to take a long time to cast the spell or its constantly clicking it.