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Rumnaldo 666

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  1. Don't know if you released the update yet but it seems to work right now using a different tile xD Or maybe it's because I swapped to mirror mode.
  2. Not sure what that means exactly but would be nice if it reset aggro when using the own tile option+only attack your own crabs.
  3. Running into the same kind of issue right now. Using my own tile and sand crab isle, fails to reset aggro once it's gone.
  4. Tyvm! I'm on npc type sand crab (crab isle north-west) only use my tile, only attack my crabs., hop if player crashes my tile, don't bank for food, move mouse outside screen, keep camera upwards. Level task I set on evenly attack, strength, defence all to 70 keep stats within 5 levels. First two preparation settings are turned on, idk if this helps. Using dragon scimitar, full rune.
  5. Classic fixed at the sand crab isle.
  6. Good script as usual, but I can't get the skill priority to work. No matter what settings I use it keeps using the same style I left it on. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  7. If it's no-email set + non-jagex launcher attached the max you could get is like 60$.
  8. Yo, sorry to bother you but I just unlocked cosmic altar on some accounts and the pathing seems to be really weird with "less minimap clicks" enabled. Like it almost runs to the altar, then decides to run backwards on the bridge again a few times before finally running to the altar. Otherwise sick script, highest account at 93rc right now! edit: Also seems to run in the other direction at water altar before running to the correct spot with this setting turned on.
  9. Script is broken for everyone right now, the only option is to wait for a fix.
  10. Just hit first set + needle on 78rc, no bans across 4 accounts. Wait, why 50fm and 40 defence? Complete rookie of the runecrafting skill, are those requirements to send the account to do bloods? Also wanted to ask if I should enable the cells/craft guardians options or will they slow down xp/hr? Huge thanks for answering my previous question.
  11. Sick. I'm getting full sets on 3 accounts in a few hours, will post some pictures later. 4th one has been unlucky with lanterns/dyes and only has 2 pieces. Would you recommend going for the catalytic playstyle after obtaining full set? Or is the auto mode most gp/hour at gotr?
  12. Completes quests and minigame flawlessly. Got all the accounts between 52-55rc day 1 with some breaks in between. Gonna rest them for 4+ hours now and continue the "grind".
  13. Just bought. Ready to run this on 4 rested accounts with 2 day+ gametime. Will update progress results here.
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