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Everything posted by reggienoob

  1. Just bought this script and i must say 10/10 well done dude
  2. I cant figure out how to get enfeeble https://gyazo.com/821821370ba98f56cfddc0831e58d860
  3. ah fair enough dude thanks
  4. When doing anything with this script there seems to be an massive fps drop whenever it clicks, im not sure this is on my end or a problem with the script but does anyone know how to fix? I've tried it on both mirror and injection mode and it seems to be pretty much the same
  5. Any idea as to when 0.61 will be released?
  6. Enfeeble does not seem to be on the curse list im not sure whether this is a problem with my script or if it just down atm?
  7. It mainly occurs on ProjectPacts AIO Hunter and no i have no idea how to get the dev build
  8. Am i being dumb or is there no download link? but yeh im also getting the lag when clicking issue This issue is making some of the scripts i paid for unusable
  9. Im in mirror mode and using OSbuddy and no there does not seem to be any error when it happens. it only happens when it fails to catch a kebbit and the time varies from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes.
  10. when i run the script and do falconry it seems to have small delays sometimes after a catch. Sometimes pauses of up to 3 minutes causing my exp/h to go down quite a lot.
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