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  1. May I trial this one
  2. May I trial this one as well please.
  3. May I trial this one please?
  4. Not sure if helpful but I have not had it happen yesterday and today so far when I unchecked the stop time and just left a break time in the manager. Still might happen but so far it hasn't for me.
  5. Hmm alright is there specific settings you see in mine screenshot vs what you use that might need to be changed graphical or otherwise? I want to leave it on for a little longer then I am currently am but I am babysitting it currently to make sure I dont get stuck on the loop for too long.
  6. Were you able to locate what might be causing it? it seems to happen at least once if not more each day. Also is it suppose to not use the agility shortcut from soul runes? It walks around instead of using the shortcut that's before the main shortcut to the mines.
  7. I am not sure what they help but there ya go. This is it stuck.
  8. Just the runes in the first slot chisel in the bottom slot. Sometimes it gets stuck going to the altart with full essence sometimes its stuck without. Im not watching it like a hawk the run energy is usually pretty high because its just clicking back and fourth on the short cut. The status is walking to short cut.
  9. I know someone else said it as well but it seems when doing zeah every once in a while itll get stuck on a loop for the short cut going to the mine. It wont register that it took the shortcut and just keep going back and fourth. Sometimes it will go the full 6 hours and nothing will break and sometimes it will break randomly. This is while doing soul runes.
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