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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by tophighscore

  1. Yeah i know i just rewatched it today still found it pretty funny.
  2. No,I am not spamming im posting in spam section but i don't post spam..If you know what i mean. Thanks Found that out now.
  3. OH dAMN IT...BEEN POSTING FOR NOTHING.No posts for posting in spam..But im not spamming :P
  4. So i posted i believe 3 threads and posted comments on others threads and i've been at 188 post counts the whole time
  5. I just noticed last 3 threads i made i got no post counts lmfao
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkWYwuIZS1U
  7. Omg i almost believed i was banned until i looked on the side.
  8. I'll be back on in 5 minutes to make more posts.
  9. i'd like to apologize..I feel that i may get a warning for trying to be funny.
  10. Wrong section and this is inappropriate/immature i must report all you sorry.
  11. yeah congratz...Hopefully someone doesn't come and kick you out of that spot.
  12. Another smart comment im dying from laughter Literally!!
  13. I find this really Unnecessary, but -This is just a joke. Pls no ban- Made me LMFAO. Damn i just noticed your also a script writer..Looks bad bud. Goodluck tho.
  14. LOL!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA OMG!!! See you tomorrow!
  15. Osbot is less likely to stick with their words than jagex!!
  16. Maybe one more click won't hurt.
  17. tophighscore

    Fix my title

    I figured I dont know how though i tried looking in profile.
  18. tophighscore

    Fix my title

    oh ikr I hate the title i got...steel poster?like wtf...Give me something like -Paper Maker $$-
  19. Hopefully they have it up to download first thing tomorrow..since today is the last day of the week :P..BTW there shouldn't be a reason for it to be shitty since they've been postponing it every month/week.
  20. Dw bud. theres been literally 5 people in the past month who have been demoted.
  21. This is all i see every post i click on.
  22. its under runescape /discussion/goals
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