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Posts posted by Rudie

  1. 20 minutes ago, Halicarnassus said:

    Thank you! This feels weird but I guess the website just isn't optimized for mobile

    Well it should be, the Animate theme for IP.Board is pretty popular and receives regular updates. Staff here doesn't update as often because the updates can break certain js/css bits, they don't have someone to actively fix those issues so bugs like these can exist for a while before they get fixed.

  2. if you swipe to the left after you've clicked the menu icon you'll see the menu, it should slide in and overlap but it doesn't, it appears at the right side next to the page, that's why you don't see anything happening.


    I always had the issue that it never loaded js and css on mobile, only had this issue on the osbot site.. but that's resolved now, having no issues anymore.

  3. Actually, a lot of names for certain towns/items/quests etc. are written that way, theres a video on YouTube on how to pronounce some RuneScape words where for some Mod Mark describes how some of those names were made up, here it is:

    There is also a part two if you think this was cool :boge:

  4. 5 hours ago, Maldesto said:

    Thanks for report, I'm aware, but dont see a reason to go editing little things like this as ipb updates and breaks our custom edits anyways.

    I never really had issues with that tbh, if you're looking for someone that can do these tasks, speaking for myself, I wouldn't mind doing these really.

  5. 7 hours ago, Decode said:


    As described by mald, whatever happens in that section, stays in that section. The rules still apply on every other part of the forums and as long as the staff team are up to it, nothing will really get out of control the way you imagine it will.

    As for making OSBot look less professional, that has nothing to do with this really. This section would only be an "Exclusive" section. One i highly doubt many besides the "forum active" members will be interested in, or even know about. 

    Well, if nothing comes out of it, what's the harm? Do it!

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