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Everything posted by 7331337

  1. Since somehow people can't understand what a proxy is this guide is written for them. If you're reading this your one of those people that need the special help. Here's the basics for you pleb's since you didn't even google it. What is a proxy? A proxy or proxy server is basically another computer which serves as a hub through which internet requests are processed. By connecting through one of these servers, your computer sends your requests to the proxy server which then processes your request and returns what you were wanting. In this way it serves as an intermediary between your home machine and the rest of the computers on the internet. Why use one? The most common reasons would be to bypass censors or hide your public IP from forums or webpages that may be logging it. For us botters its to avoid suspicion or to get past a flagged IP that lasts around three months. You usually want to be using a Proxy if you're using one more bot at once on your internet to help avoid bans. When not to use one? Don't use them if you're using one bot and your IP hasn't been flagged for botting in the past 3 months by a previous ban. Newbie Mistakes Of Using a Proxy? 1) Using proxy's on an account THEN logging back into it from another proxy or logging in from home. Guess what you did. You just went from Sweden to Canada in less than 1 minute from re-logging. That gets attention if they ever check your account so don't switch proxys. 2) Not needing to use them, if you're only using one bot and your IP isn't flagged don't use them they only add lag. #Will add a guide when I'm less lazy so if you want to make your own right now for free use; ALLSSD10 = $10 DODEPLOY = $10 My ref signup for a $10 code: P.S: Don't do illegal st0ff
  2. Seems to get stuck on walking my path and gets completely stuck and spam clicks the tile I'm standing on for the position it arrives that even though it gets stuck. I then redid it using localWalker.map.walk and manually checking the positions against flags to make it walk to the next position and it walked the same path fine =/ If you want I'll PM you the path I'm using for you to see for yourself it gets stuck rather than using the minimap like it should.
  3. 25 minute hacked together Pest Control Script for getting points. Don't hate on how bad it is, I know how bad it is so if you want a better one code it yourself or buy one. (You'll make a much better one if you add randomized pathing, style switching, pray toggling, etc which is why this really badly written one is public) This is what you can expect; - It to get enough damage done if you're a decent level 98% of the time - Not bugging out - So bot-like its a joke - A ban if you use suicide with this and don't manually do a few games every 40-50 runs... What you need to know; - It doesn't spend points - It's a horrible script (Go code your own it'll be better due to the fact this took me under 15 mins to write) That being said here you go; http://multiupload.biz/1ntoz15xlj0i/herpderpPestControl_MultiUpload.biz.jar.html Horrible code; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Interfaces; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message.MessageType; import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; @ScriptManifest( author = "54b3ew5vw", info = "PestControl test herp derp", name = "PestControl Afker B", version = 0, logo = "") public class main extends Script { // Npc names String[] pestControlMonsters = {"Brawler","Defiler","Ravager","Shifter","Spinner","Torcher"}; boolean areWeInBoat, didWeArrive, didWeFinish = false; int okset = 0; String status = "Nothing"; //int[] pestControlStarter = {1,2,3,4}; //int[] pestControlMiddle = {10339,1630}; //int[] pestControlBoat1 = {2260,2643,2263,2638}; //int[] pestControlBoat2 = {2637,2647,2641,2642}; //int[] pestControlBoat3 = {2632,2654,2635,2649}; @Override public void onStart() { log("============================="); log("= Starting pest control bot ="); log("============================="); getBot().addMessageListener(this); } private enum State { BOATING, WAITING, MOVING, FINDINGTARGET, KILLING, CAMERAMOVE, MICROWAIT; }; private State getState() { NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters); RS2Object findCauldron = objects.closest("Cauldron"); RS2Object findPlank = objects.closest("Gangplank"); //RS2Object findPlank = objects.closest(9999).getX; if(areWeInBoat == true && findCauldron != null && findPlank != null){ status = "Waiting"; return State.WAITING; } if(findCauldron == null && findPlank == null) { areWeInBoat = false; okset = objects.closest("Lander boat").getY() - myPlayer().getY(); //log (objects.objects.closest("Lander boat").getY()); //log (myPlayer().getY()); if(objects.closest("Lander boat").getY() - myPlayer().getY() < 10){ status = "Moving"; return State.MOVING; } } if (areWeInBoat == false && myPlayer().getY() < 3000 && findPlank != null){ status = "Entering boat"; return State.BOATING; } if (findEnemy != null && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && myPlayer().getInteracting() == null){ status = "Finding Target"; return State.FINDINGTARGET; } if (myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isUnderAttack() || myPlayer().isMoving() || myPlayer().getInteracting() != null){ status = "Killing"; return State.KILLING; } status = "MicroWaiting"; return State.MICROWAIT; } //@Override //public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { // NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters); // if (findEnemy != null){ // if (!myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && myPlayer().getInteracting() == null){ // findEnemy.interact("Attack"); // sleep(random(1000, 5000)); // } // } // return random(100, 1000); //} public void onMessage(Message message) { if (message.getType() == MessageType.GAME) { try { if (message.getMessage().contains("You board the lander") || message.getMessage().contains("can't reach that!")) { areWeInBoat = true; } else { // Do nothing } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (getState()) { case WAITING: sleep(random(300, 750)); //log ("Waiting"); break; case MICROWAIT: sleep(random(10, 100)); break; case BOATING: objects.closest("Gangplank").interact("Cross"); sleep(random(750, 1250)); //log ("Entering boat"); break; case MOVING: int newX = myPlayer().getX() + random(0, 18) - 9; int newY = myPlayer().getY() - random(15, 25); //Position baseObject = objects.closest(9999).getPosition(); //Position towerLeft = new Position((baseObject.getX() - 14), (baseObject.getY() + 14), 0); //Position towerRight = new Position((baseObject.getX() + 11), (baseObject.getY() + 14), 0); //Position towerTopLeft = new Position((baseObject.getX() - 11), (baseObject.getY() + 29), 0); //Position towerTopRight = new Position((baseObject.getX() + 8), (baseObject.getY() + 29), 0); //Position[] newLocation = {new Position(newX, newY, 0)}; if (map.canReach(new Position(newX, newY, 0)) && myPlayer().isMoving() == false){ log("Location; " + newX +"," + newY + ",0"); localWalker.map.walk(newX, newY); log("attempt click"); sleep(random(1000, 1750)); } else { sleep(random(100, 1000)); } break; case FINDINGTARGET: NPC findEnemy = npcs.closest(pestControlMonsters); NPC findPortal = npcs.closest("Portal"); if (findPortal != null && findPortal.isAttackable()){ findEnemy.interact("Attack"); sleep(random(300, 2500)); break; } if (findEnemy != null && findEnemy.isAttackable()){ findEnemy.interact("Attack"); sleep(random(300, 2500)); } else { sleep(random(350, 1250)); } //log("Finding target"); break; case KILLING: sleep(random(500, 3000)); //log("Killing"); break; } return random(200, 800); } @Override public void onExit() { log("YoloSwagAFk"); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { g.drawString("Status: " + status, 200, 328); g.drawString("y difference " + okset, 200, 300); } }
  4. Yeah your account can't be "deleted" as no one has ever had this happen and had proof. You sure you ever had a main account?
  5. Was a quick example not actually what I use >.> the random position is run in a while loop until it finds a correct one and the area this used is in its own sub-area of the map like minigames. I'd like to however be able to fix your 3rd point out of it not working if its too far away which is what I want to resolve by generating a path to that position.
  6. Right now I think I'm doing it in a really hacky way and I'd hope there would be better ways than doing it. Right now I'm basically doing; int rand1 = random(0, 10) - 5; int rand2 = random(0, 30) - 15; Position randomPath = new Position((baseObject.getX() + rand1), (baseObject.getY() + rand2), 0); if (map.canReach(randomPath)){ localWalker.map.walk(randomPath); } This is for getting into view of the object itself so it can be interacted with later. Would there be better ways than doing this to get to a object not yet visible but I have the known coord's for?
  7. #Hype How much does this lower the detection guessing around 50% it sounds like.
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