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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. Lucki

    Tesla Exposed

    thats retarded ???????????? talking to yourself much
  2. make it so you dont have to wait a decade between switching from powerleveling to minigame
  3. How about we scrap Vip VIP+ and Sponsor and just have $number dollar donators like sythe? also whle you are at it can we some custom pips I would like a katana blade pip
  4. In the original post I gave two avenues to contact me privately if you choose to ignore both of those I do not want to business with you
  5. I already provided my skype or u can pm me Or you could just post your offer
  6. will provide a fresh level 3 with bond and offering $100 in return you train the account fully quest the 50attack and 31 prayer and then level strength for $100 I pay you what level strength will you get me including the quests will go with best offer. Pm or add skype Lucki.OsB
  7. Lucki

    quests needed

    add my skype Lucki.OsB Im ready
  8. Lucki

    quests needed

    Waterfall vamp slayer tree gnome grand tree fight arena horror from the deep Mountain daughter Death plateau Dwarf cannon Biohazard Priest in peril Ghosts ahoy Recruitment drive black knights account is 9prayer 10hp nothing else
  9. idk how you say you check chat box logs and in the same breath justify promoting muffins to chat box assistant
  10. how 18 songs finish in 1minute and 49seconds butters? wheres the math? show me.
  11. Lucki


    or the herdsman994
  12. Lucki


    lmao @Tesla and so plan unfolds good luck ill conduct in the shadows for you.
  13. i hope someone screenshotted me saying this was going to happen like two weeks ago
  14. and he is still allowed to have a thread before me smh.
  15. https://gyazo.com/02cf817c169098a030cc363034b87270
  16. i tried to pm but ill buy all come to chatbox or add my skype Lucki.OsB
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