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Everything posted by ikos9

  1. ikos9


    Buying 50M 0.5 PP Discord PM or down below
  2. ikos9

    Paying 170M

    Need 7M Str xp pumped at blast furnace. I need someone who knows how to optimise xp with crashers and so on Paying 170M to get it done. Account is currently 89 strength, 7M xp will be 98 strength and 90k xp in. Only looking for serious service providers, won't be letting anyone doing this. Discord contacts to be posted below or PM. Looking to start ASAP
  3. You're not responding on discord
  4. Still looking for someone to do this 10 days should be more than enough - you’re clicking your mouse button once every 1h30min. stop commenting rubbish
  5. Add me on Discord. Send me a pm with ur disc
  6. I need 1m str xp pumped at blast furnace. It’s 10k-12k xp hour with it being 99% afk (one click each 1h30min to keep it going) would like this done before 11th of september. So you get 10 days or no payment. Give me a xp/gp rate. Not responding to high ball rates acc is infront of pump and rdy to go asap
  7. ikos9


    I have someone. Can be closed.
  8. ikos9


    Hey. I need these quests done. All stats for all quests are done so only needed to quest. Need your time frame and best price qoute. Don't highball me lol. ' PM me or discord below so I can add --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Plateau Vampire Slayer Tree Gnome Village Fight Arena Waterfall Quest The Grand Tree Troll Romance Troll Stronghold Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Haunted Mine Jungle Potion Druidic Ritual Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Shadow of the Storm Cook's Assistant Big Chompy bird hunting Goblin Diplomacy Demon slayer The golem
  9. Looking to buy a rare ig rsn. No random 3 letter names unless they mean something. PM me or post below for contact Paying in either 07 gp or pp
  10. ikos9


    Need ava's from scratch. Has all stats done for all pre-quests and quests it self. Same for Horror from the deep. All stats done and nothing else. So to recap Animal magnetism from scratch HFTD from scratch All skills for quests are done. Need ur cheapest price and fastest times. Don't want this shit dragged for more than 1 day. Acc has no overhead prayer and 50+ range
  11. I'm selling a SOTD pure which has 95 magic, 75 attack, 65 hp - all whilst being 62 combat. Account is an excellent emblem farmer in bh - frequently 2 hits anybody at its combat level range. (45+ hits). Selling the account because I got school coming up and won't have time to play it anymore and such a nice prodded acc deserves to be played on. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://imgur.com/Dq3b3wN 2. Pictures of the login details https://imgur.com/cL9IQnx 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Has Mage Arena I cape (Zamorak) 4. Pictures of the quests completed Fight arena + Tree gnome village + Waterfall quest 5. The price you will be starting bids at 30M 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 80M 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 GP 8. Your trading conditions If more trusted than me, I will go first. Otherwise you go first or you pay for a VMM 9. Pictures of the account status https://imgur.com/wmbsWQA 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address OO is @Mordred and has creation/ISP and etc. info for the account. Offers below and PM for discord or leave it below
  12. ikos9


    Buying 290M pp. Need your best price, not taking high offers. Tonight - or asap
  13. ikos9


    I just wanted to have a service done, didn't know I had to obide by a set price for it? I will settle for a fair price between myself and the servicer - it's not like I am forcing any price down their throat.
  14. ikos9


    Can you PM me your discord? I'd like for you to get started asap if you can provide me a time qoute.
  15. ikos9


    I need someone to afk pump 300k xp @ blast pumping. You Can afk completely (typing) for more than 1 hour and 30 minute before doing it again. Look up a guide if you’re in doubt. It’s 12k xp/hour and should take about 25 hours. need a Price and time qoute.
  16. ikos9


    Still needing it done. Only has 10 minutes of questing worth. Paying up to 1M
  17. ikos9


    Paying good
  18. ikos9


    I am more than halfway done with Eyes of Glouphrie - you will be start from the puzzle step (near-end) I need it done asap. Lmk your price Should take 10-15 minutes
  19. ikos9

    Desert Treasure

    Need to know a price and time qoute (deadline) for the completion of following quests: The Tourist Trap Troll Stronghold Temple of Ikov The Dig Site Desert Treasure Account has all the skill requirements for all sub-quests and main quest (DT) completed. Only quests are to be done, nothing else. Furthermore, account has 50 attack, 73 str, 82 ranged, 82 magic, 63 hp and 13 pray Blocker may be needed for Kamil part You are responsible for all account bans occured whilst service is being done (Don't want this dragged over several days - preferrably done in less than a day)
  20. ikos9

    Molly's Thiever

    Can I have a trial of this mate?
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