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  • Location:
    Southern Illinois
  • Interests
    Weightlifting, gaming, driving, and just hanging out.

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  1. Czar is there any plans to make the rock crab script use the cannon? Edit: Nvm, the cannon support is entirely broken at this point... If you're buying this for the cannon feature, i'd steer clear. Even under ideal circumstances it's been falling on it's face for me....
  2. Definitely interested in trying out Perfect Miner! Is there any way i could get a trial? Also, is there a cap on the amount of perfect miners that can be ran? I.E do i need 1 auth per acct or?
  3. Looks great, can't wait to use it. (:
  4. Why were you nervous, Smart?! ARE YOU HIDING SOMETHING FROM US?!!?!?!
  5. Hey Divine, any chance of you adding in a running option? Or possibly making it detect when to run?
  6. SavageNerdz

    BETA v1.7.27

    Except frog random is still broken.. Gave acct info to laz, hopefully he fixes.
  7. Can anyone help me out? Paths are set accordingly in the actual script ,as it entity/ints etc. However, it doesn't do anything at all EDIT: FFS put this in wrong section, could a mod PLEASE move it.. so tired i can't think. public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { Player player = client.getMyPlayer(); Bank bank = client.getBank(); Inventory inv = client.getInventory(); Entity stairs = closestObject(Stairs); Entity stairs2 = closestObject(Stairs2); Entity stairstop = closestObject(StairsTop); Entity LBanker = closestObject(18491); if (equipmentTab.isWieldingWeaponThatContains("Broken pickaxe")) { WalkToBank(); Entity Banker = closestObject(2481); if (inv.contains(478)) { WalkToBank(); if (Banker != null && Banker.isVisible()) { Banker.interact("Bank"); if (bank.isOpen()) { bank.getSlotForId(Cash); bank.withdrawX(1100, Cash); if (inv.contains(Cash)) { walkToBob(); Entity Bob = closestNPCForName("Bob"); if (Bob != null && Bob.isVisible() ) { equipmentTab.unequip(478); if (client.getInventory().contains(478)) { selectOption(null,Bob.getMouseDestination(),"Use", client.getInventory().getItemForId(478).getName()+" -> Bob"); selectInterfaceOption(242, 4); selectInterfaceOption(228, 1); } } } } } } } return 1; }
  8. If anyone has smoking rock IDs, please post them on this thread!
  9. @Andrea, i fail at making guis, but i'll post my own version that does..
  10. Currently in beta, will be adding some stuff to it tomorrow.. Currently it runs very well, but has no anti-ban or exp counter. Those will be added tomorrow: Proggy 1:
  11. What it is? Simple tanner that works at alk, tans only leather at the moment. ToDo list: Add Paint Add hard Leather Option Add Anti-ban Add Gui Status: Working
  12. SavageNerdz

    BETA v1.7.24

    Combat is without a doubt broken, lost about 6m last night cause of it..
  13. I woke up and a friend sent this to me on skype... Pretty creeped out
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