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  1. Just means 2-days ban, and your ip is flagged.
  2. I would be glad to test this for you, and will report you all the bugs i come across, and also 6hours+ proggy
  3. Thanks man, you definitly helped me
  4. Can anyone figur this out? [ERROR][06/30 05:57:53 PM]: Failed to load jar file : UnicowSlayer.jar [ERROR][06/30 05:57:53 PM]: Failed to load local scripts! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.Con.iiIIiiIIII(d:209) at org.osbot.nUl.IiIIIiIIII(i:210) at org.osbot.BotApplication.IIIIiiIIII(hn:419) at org.osbot.BotApplication.main(hn:119) [INFO][06/30 05:57:53 PM]: Loaded 0 local scripts and 0 custom random solvers! [DEBUG][06/30 05:57:53 PM]: OSBot is now ready! And heres the script import java.awt.Graphics; import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Spell; @ScriptManifest(author = "Ikke", name = "2", version = 1.0, info = "3") public class UnicowSlayer extends Script { int walkpath; private int[][] BankToTowerDoor = new int[][]{ {2637,3289}, {2618,3290}, {2608,3275}, {2616,3257}, {2634,3251}, {2636,3234}, {2649,3225}, }; private int[][] ToAltar = new int[][]{ {3038,4376}, {3032,4392}, {3020,4405}, {3019,4409}, }; int parent = 241; int child = 3; int opendoor; int climbdown; public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException{ Inventory i = client.getInventory(); Player p = client.getMyPlayer(); RS2Object door = closestObjectForName("Tower door"); RS2Object trapdoor = closestObjectForName("Trapdoor"); RS2Object bank = closestObjectForName("booth"); RS2Object altar = closestObjectForName("Symbol of life"); NPC cow = closestAttackableNPCForName("Unicow"); GroundItem horn = closestGroundItemForName("Unicorn horn"); Bank b = client.getBank(); int amount = i.getItemForName("Unicorn horn").getAmount(); if(i.contains("Cowhide") && i.contains("Unicorn horn") && altar == null && trapdoor == null){ WalkAlongPath(BankToTowerDoor , true); } if(door != null){ if(door.isVisible()){ door.interact("Open"); opendoor++; sleep(random(1300 , 1700)); walkExact(new Position(2648,3213 , 0)); if(trapdoor != null){ if(trapdoor.isVisible()){ trapdoor.interact("Climb-down"); climbdown++; sleep(random(1300 , 1700)); WalkAlongPath(ToAltar , true); } } } } if(altar != null){ if(altar.isVisible()){ if(i.contains("Cowhide") && i.contains("Unicorn horn") && client.getInterface(241).getChild(3) == null && cow == null){ i.interactWithName("Unicorn horn", "Use"); sleep(random(1300 , 1700)); i.interactWithName("Cowhide", "Use"); sleep(random(1300 , 1700)); altar.interact("Activate"); client.getInterface(241).getChild(3).interact("Click here to continue"); } } } if(cow != null){ if(cow.isVisible()){ if(!cow.isUnderAttack()){ if(p.isUnderAttack()){ cow.interact("Attack"); sleep(random(1300 , 1700)); } } } } if(horn != null){ if(horn.isVisible()){ horn.interact("Take"); sleep(random(1300 , 1700)); } } if(altar != null){ if(altar.isVisible()){ if(!i.contains("Cowhide")){ magicTab.castSpell(Spell.ARDOUGNE_TELEPORT); opendoor--; climbdown--; sleep(random(1300 , 1700)); walkExact(new Position(2652,3290,0)); walkExact(new Position(2663,3304,0)); sleep(random(4000 , 6000)); if(bank != null){ if(bank.isVisible()){ bank.interact("Bank"); sleep(random(1100 , 1700)); } } } } } if(i.contains("Cowhide") && b.isOpen()){ if(amount >= 2){ b.deposit(237 , 100); } sleep(random(1100 , 1700)); b.withdraw10(1739); sleep(random(1100 , 1700)); b.withdraw1(237); } return 50; } public void onPlayerMessage(String username, String message) throws InterruptedException { } public void onMessage(String message) { } public void onPaint(Graphics graphics) { } public void onStart() { } public void onExit() { } public boolean WalkAlongPath(int[][] path, boolean AscendThroughPath, int distanceFromEnd) { if (distanceToPoint(AscendThroughPath ? path[path.length - 1][0] : path[0][0], AscendThroughPath ? path[path.length - 1][1] : path[0][1]) <= distanceFromEnd) return true; else { WalkAlongPath(path, AscendThroughPath); return false; } } public void WalkAlongPath(int[][] path, boolean AscendThroughPath) { int destination = 0; for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) if (distanceToPoint(path[i][0], path[i][1]) < distanceToPoint(path[destination][0], path[destination][1])) destination = i; if (client.getMyPlayer().isMoving() && distanceToPoint(path[destination][0], path[destination][1]) > (isRunning() ? 3 : 2)) return; if (AscendThroughPath && destination != path.length - 1 || !AscendThroughPath && destination != 0) destination += (AscendThroughPath ? 1 : -1); try { log("Walking to node:" + destination); walk(new Position(path[destination][0], path[destination][1], 0)); Thread.sleep(700 + MethodProvider.random(600)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private int distanceToPoint(int pointX, int pointY) { return (int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(client.getMyPlayer().getX() - pointX, 2) + Math.pow(client.getMyPlayer().getY() - pointY, 2)); } }
  5. Gl with this Laz, sadly i just got banned today :-/
  6. Sense

    BETA v1.7.28

    Why is random solvers local and not remote scripts? makes no sense to me as it would be 10x easier to edit the randoms as they change all the time.
  7. Is it your osbot forum account or is it your runescape account, that wont save? EDIT: Might be a issue with rights? try running osbot as administrator.
  8. Nice project. good luck with it, hyperion is a great base and if you need any help developing i would be glad to. I am the owner/developer of ballscape if anyone remembers it.
  9. Sense

    BETA v1.7.20

    Man they keep changing id's on randoms, making the botlife harder...
  10. Sense

    BETA v1.7.20

    No it isnt possible, people are getting banned becouse jagex is watching the randoms. Jagex changed most npcids, objectids to confuse bots. Example: jagex is watching the frog cave becouse they keep changing the frog ids, means that all the bots standing in frogcave will most likely be banned within a few hours. EDIT: If jagex could tell if you were using osbot they would have banned all of us already.
  11. Sense

    BETA v1.7.20

    Is the sandwich lady fixed?
  12. Actually i am experiencing increased lagg on the 1.3.1 in relation with the previous versions. [EDIT]: It is lagging when i have any other tab open than inventory.
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