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  1. EggPlant


    Hey i sent you a message but just wanted to make sure you see my problem, tried to hunt black chins but all it does is set up traps then not detect if they've failed or succeeded. looking forward to a response :^)
  2. EggPlant


    Im very new to proxies and since my ip is flagged i would like to figured out how they work. Ive gone to youtube and googled all i could and i still dont understand them. do i have to buy a proxy? how do i set it up? i know you type in the things after you hit "enable proxy" but i have no idea what to put. im truly clueless. if anyone could point me in the right direction or explain it i would be very greatful.
  3. how do you use proxys? like is there somewhere you can point me to to learn how to use them? i tried googling but couldnt find anything :X
  4. If i have had accs banned on my regular IP and i use a proxy to create a new one, will i have to like keep using a proxy everytime i log into that acc so it doesnt log into my flagged IP? sorry, am nub when it comes to proxys
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