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  1. @Juggles hey mate just a quick question so when I'm doing a slayer task lets say cockatrices when i kill them money will automatically be put into my inventory and when it does the scripts stop and won't target anything, it will just stand there and afk for minuets even hours whats the best way about fixing this?
  2. @Juggles im low combat and doesn;t have high defence bonuses so when im doing fire giants how do i make it to turn auto prayer on? because i take too much damage ect.. Thanks
  3. @Juggles how to i make the pot put prayer on is there an option ? unsure of what im doing wrong? https://gyazo.com/864690d59709f71d932dfd8aff6a48dc says prayer request is false how do i fix this thanks? thanks
  4. Any chance i can get a trial? thanks
  5. could i please get a trial? thanks
  6. @Apaec could i get a trial thanks!
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