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  1. My way to get a Rc acount rdy is to multi log on 4-5 acount and afk combat till desired lvl. Then get the rest of the stats by hand. My acount usualy last around 1month, 2week or 1 day Its not possible for me to bot to 44 anymore. i usualy profits, but its not always the case .
  2. i always make my acount 55deff/40range/50+hp/52-55mining/44rc that would be the minimum imo
  3. im also banned, mirror mode, 10 day boted 4 hour day
  4. Hi Khal, Thanks a lots for this awsome script so far sooo good i have spoted a litle bug that anoy me a lot... " when i run out of HP in the abyss, my bot teleport but will not drink the next energy potion causing me to TP again because im out of energy and walk in the abyss" And, do you accept Osgp donation?
  5. oh dang i forgot about pouch repair, nvm then :P
  6. hey khal, can you add 2 litle thing to abys, Energy potion and food (make an option to bring exemple 4 shark evry trip so i can do it at lower combat lvl) also, can you add pouch to nature (shop) Thx
  7. Im crafting fire rune with ring of dueling and the bot stop working when it enter the fire altar abount 10% of the time so i have to babysit it
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