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Trade With Caution
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About osbotbot1

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  1. ill buy all, i sent a skype request
  2. know where i can get a good cheap one?
  3. I used to bot in like early 2014 i stopped because my account was banned after like 3 months of non stop fishing XD. Im going to buy a proxy but i hear that you cant use a proxy on mirror client mode? can you use a proxy on mirror mode or is it still bugged? i've botted from my home ip before and it's most likely flagged (idk tho). And yea i know it requires vip which ill buy soon btw how can i check if my home ip is flagged? i think there's a way to check but i forgot
  4. no, it was a friend i lent too, it was a gmauler that i never used. i stopped talking to him so i decided to make it a main because of the high mage and str (plus dt was already done). He somehow got it
  5. i go into my recovery options and i see both of my numbers and my recovery emails and that's all good and dandy but there are two on there that i cant get rid of, i've been recovering this account back and forth for ages and literally yahoo isnt doing shit about it, ill call their customer support and it always ends up with them hanging up on me (i've tried 4 times today) i proved it was my account and reset the password today but yet, the two options that are not mine are still on there. The hacker already moved the account to a differant email so i just messaged jagex support proving it was my account (waiting for them to respond) has anyone had this problem? i've googled it but i cant find anything on it when i said moved the account to a different email i mean the rs account oh well wopti fucking doo, i just got an email that my password was reset and two step verification was removed. Bye Bye base 80 combat stat main, this time for fucking ever 14 mins, it took him 14 mins to recover the account again it's too late, forget it
  6. well having multiple 1 def pures i can speak here, It's just a few certain assholes, but when they make us mad we all get mad. It's just the assholes that spec and run which ends up me screaming some terrible shit like "this is why we have school shootings", or some shit like that that i feel terrible after afterwards. Then it just turns into a rage fest where we rush each other and call each other shit names
  7. I want to see all the medium clue scroll reqs, and hard clue reqs. But i cant find them on the wiki. If anyone knows please let me know!
  8. I have a obby mauler, 55 slayer and everything, fully quested. If you're coming for a gmauler/ddspure/ags it's not worth it. They take SOOOOOO long to get fights and most targets log on you or make you skull. It's really not worth it. I have 20x more fun on my 15 prayer dds pure.
  9. no, we made a main to do barrows, but he hasnt replied on skype in 3 weeks
  10. I cant even contact him, this was 2 years ago
  11. So i used to have this old friend and we used to share this account ( i know bad idea dont lecture me) But we dont talk anymore and i cant really use the account because on the yahoo account, some of the recovery information is his. When you go into (i need a new password) it will show up with : My #, my email, and his # and his email. I have the account at the moment but when i go into the account settings i cant find where to remove his email and phone number. i can see my stuff but not his, i just tested it to see if i clicked *forgot my password* and it's still there. I went to the help section but yahoo is retarded Please Help
  12. Noted, stopping the bidding at around this time tomorrow! get your final bids in!
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