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Everything posted by Valkyr

  1. Valkyr


    Grats on your first release!
  2. The script already runs on a loop, so my modified version of your code should work for (Item fr : inventory.getItems()) { if (fr.getName().equals("Ferret")) { fr.interact("Release"); sleep(random(500, 600)); } }
  3. Only if you're alching. I've only ever had one reported ban from anyone using VPestControl ^_^
  4. Should've used mirror mode
  5. I've already told you about this... Everything works 100% locally, there's a problem with my web file being loaded on the SDN. I have looked into it and there's nothing that could be causing it in the source. I have spoken to Alek and Zach and they can't see what the problem is either...
  6. I was suicide botting and testing scripts, quite a few times they were tests so it broke overnight or w/e
  7. Nice little acc ;) Shame you left your fighter running too long on atk
  8. Only thing I did legit was tut island Several 10-20h proggies, f2p, 1.3M exp gained. Imo looks like suiciding works better than breaking lol. Oh well, I'll start another tonight ^_^
  9. ggwp lasted ~2 weeks nice1 jagex
  10. Voting for De Almere Burger bcus u lied
  11. I'd probably say Fishing Guild is better, EVERYONE bots at Catherby as few scripts support the Guild lol
  12. Hi all, Valkyr here. As you may or may not have seen, I have been working on mapping out the Runescape world in order to produce scripts that can find spots that even the most seasoned players have missed. In order to do this, I need a hefty list of requirements to access all of the cities, dungeons and minigames that I need; which done alone would be long and arduous task considering my only account is level 10 and F2P. That said, I am looking for members of the OSBot community kind enough to loan me their accounts for maybe 20 or 30 minutes while I map out a couple of regions and connect them up. In return for this, I am happy to give out copies of any premium script I have produced thus far (including my upcoming AIO fighter). Located below is a list of locations I still have yet to map out: --Dungeons - Slayer Tower - Kalphite Hive - Pollinveach Slayer Dungeon - Waterfall Dungeon - Ancient Cavern - Brimhaven Dungeon - Karamja Dungeon --Cities - Canifis - Port Phasmatys - Burgh De Rott - Pollinveach - Sophanem - Brimhaven - Tai Bwo Wannai - Shilo Village - Lletya --Regions - Morytania - Lunar Isles - Fremmenik Isles Any help is welcome and much appreciated! If you are concerned for the security of your account, you may always change your password before and after, as well as keeping all of your valuables in a pin-secured bank or even on another account. Note: If this isn't allowed, just remove the topic.
  13. 180x180 icon involving the Valknut (three triangles) as well as something related to the script, not particularly fussed about colours. Sorry if that's too vague.
  14. I will! My premium scripts need some nice logos and your work is awesome :P
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