I demand refund,
Purchased script on fresh lvl 3 old account ( have multiple old no email login accounts from back in the days)
i transfered 30M on account , manually trained mage to 30 .
started bot mith gloves.
After some quests i stopped like 3 hours-4 hours questing
I botted 40 minutes thieving
next day banned.!! perm banned here I used stealth injection
took another fresh account
Transfer 3mil did only did F2P quests using bot , no ban next day
made member , did "all" quests using stealth quester.
Bang banned again after rs update !!! used mirror mode this time!!
all I can conclude is that This script is unsafe and I demand a refund.
i used old accounts single username login , both got perm banned for macro major.
one i used another script and the second one i only used stealth quester.