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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. going to push a fix to where it loads for mac (hopefully. Borrowed directory path from a mac script dev ProjectPact). Sorry for the issue.
  2. I assume this is MAC OS works fine for windows for me no errors. ill send this to Alek
  3. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Yes but I do not do trials anymore.
  4. I will fix it. Sorry for the issue all good?
  5. v9.0 Added GUI Saving/Loading Possible fix for taverly default walker stuck issue Small update to boosts calc
  6. Please fill out a bug report form. If its the mode 'Metal dragons' please start in the room and not the bank. banking isnt supported
  7. I have no control over the Webwalker (Default walker) Alek is still making improvments. I'll see if this information is enough for anything
  8. Chris


    What would you like done
  9. WHat does the logger say when you first start the script?
  10. Nah. just remove account market and scams will be solved.
  11. Glad to hear it's working for you Let me know if you have any other issues with the script I was planning on looking into it or pay someone else to do it for me. Have not had the time to actually commit to it as I do tutorial videos and other stuff on the side.
  12. V8.9 Adjusted taverly normal walker route @Framble Adjusted brutal dragons mode Adjusted potion efficiency to keep active boosts.
  13. Working fine for me. Current version https://i.imgur.com/udlTCvg.gif
  14. I meant your safespot location
  15. checking it now. Were you using the tunnel safespot?
  16. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/WalkingEvent.html
  17. try the regular walker 10 Hour progress report 70-80-70 ish 101 cmb Looting bag / super set / antifire / 10 lobsters / auto gen eat % / Dueling & Burning route West GDK https://i.imgur.com/yKL7Not.gif
  18. try a different payment method like buying vouchers with rsgp
  19. Which walker are you using?
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