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Everything posted by biggie163

  1. biggie163

    Fruity NMZ

    Hello fruity If monsters are pushing you the script keeps pressing the selected area while getting pushed over and over again. I think you should change your method that walks to the area and instead make a new one that is only being called when re-entering the dream. fellow java programmer
  2. biggie163

    Fruity NMZ

    best script I have ever used or heard of BIG UP!!!!!
  3. used this bot for over a year.. Always the same thing. Gets you some levels then a 2 day ban. Worth in my opinion if you got a account that needs some levels, got 91-97 range on my void and 66-84 range on my pure then I got a 2 day on both accounts which isn't 2 bad. My other acc got deleted tho after using this on a freshly started account so u might wanna quest the acc before u bot it so the account seems more personal
  4. Ik guys, However I have been a member here for a longtime. I am not going to spam posts to get a certain amount. Furthermore I would like to trade this acc not sell it.
  5. Well, I accidently got def on my pure which I decided to train into a voider which I regret. Got 98 range 42 def, 84 hp 61 atk, 83 str, 97 QP, but dragonslayer and lunar not done, only got mith gloves and the ban meter is at half. If you have time and money this acc would be great with 94 mage (only 77 atm), I already have full void + mage helm, and 50 Points resting for the melee helm. I would like to trade this acc for a pure can send pics 60% to 99 range btw
  6. Sup mate, how much for mithril gloves on a pure, 0 quest points, Kappa, student discount please
  7. 96 rng 81hp 61atk 83str 44 pray 42 def 78 mage, have full void range, 100+ quest points, dragon slayer not done tho. exp comes from MM so chinning is possible to 99 range, half ban meter Kappa thanks
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