[ERROR][07/18/13 08:58:06 PM]: Failed to inject client!
at org.osbot.engine.Main.H(cg:479)
at org.osbot.engine.Main.J(cg:369)
at org.osbot.dc.run(ml:664)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[iNFO ][07/18/13 08:58:06 PM]: Loading client...
[ERROR][07/18/13 08:58:06 PM]: Failed to load client!
at org.osbot.dc.run(ml:335)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
wont work :P gimme a link for .21 haha
God Bless America xD
All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire. -Aristotle
was meant for a member so i can give him feedback and stuff.......... but whatever...... he didnt reply back to my pm to post in here so i can use thelink on the feedback and give him it.
@Smart or @Catastrophe @Kyle please close.
Read the rules then.
I never targeted him with the intent to aggravate nor harass Catastrophe. In fact me and Catastrophe are really good friends and anything we do is as a joke between eachother You can even see this from his post above
Frankly because he can't read rules lol. Never posted it to target Catastrophe at all or aggravate him or harass him lol.
From Catastrophes post above he plays along because I joke with him all the time!
dude I almost shit my pants when I saw it...... i fucking stopped skilling a certain skill and switched to a different skill along with hopping worlds...........
So I remember a year or so ago seeing a screenie online of a Mod and what not hiding but you could only see him if you toggled some options on the client and couldn't actually see a person there. So here goes. This is 100% real. Undercover Mods and shit......... so watch out.......
taken today, around a few hours ago. Didn't know where else to post this and didn't want me thread to get locked so posted it in here.