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  1. Probably delay ban. I got banned today (bot busting moderate) within 10 seconds of logging in. No biggie though, I've botted enough stats personally. If you are not using mirror, they could ''theoretically'' see that you are not using official client.
  2. Mirror mode is essential if you want the account to last, personal experience.
  3. Could you have the script detecting post-game faster (on mirror mode)? I nearly always miss entering the boat for a nearly instant next game, because the bot clicks ~4s after finishing the game. This leads to a slightly lower pts/hr. Thanks!
  4. Hi Czar, I own your ankous, minotaurs and flesh crawlers scripts. Please give me this script :^)
  5. You could remove the PSU cable, then press the power button so it drains, then try booting. If that doesn't work, try resetting your mobo battery (remove it and put it back in), this could also be a jumper. If that doesn't work, you're donezo and you'll have to call them for help. Its custom built so im assuming its some cheap ass psu.
  6. Could you give me a trial?
  7. Please send me a trial (hopefully when I wake up in 9 hrs)
  8. Could you have a look at the wilderness course (mirror). The script is missclicking so horribly often, and is very slow in detecting new obstacles.
  9. My first suicide account got banned, got to 84 thieving and made a good profit off it in DMM. Thanks for a good script
  10. Using mirror mode and switching skills is pretty safe. Been going for 4 days now botting 10h a day but taking breaks in between and switching it up a lot. Fresh accounts wont last for longer than a few days.
  11. The path finding error still exists when thieving paladins. The issue has been posted earlier. All options untoggled except for logout when out of food. Version is 0.19
  12. This is true, 2 scripts = 1 free, 3 scripts = 2 free
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