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  1. Still have this if anyone wants it, will accept Googleplay or iTunes.
  2. Except people who got them as unwanted gifts, etc. I've boughten them at 50-90% face value for years lol, just depends on the person, but I'm not paying retail, and I'm certainly not going to pay over 100% lol
  3. Ever wanted to resell your own sock 4\5 proxies? Or just needed them for botting? I have a credit balance of over $100+ left on a premium private sock 4\5 proxy site. Their cheapest proxy package is 2 Proxies for 5$ a month. This means with $100, you could bot on a proxy for the next 20+ months without having to worry about buying\looking for new ones. Or you could re-sell your own proxies 1M 07 each in quanties of 2. 2M x 20 = 40M x 2.5$\mill = $90. Or even if you did 500K each\1m for 2. 1m x 20 = 20m x 2.5 = $50. For a $25 iTune card, I'll give you my Proxy account credentials where you can purchase invoices on their site with the balance on the account. Takes less than 24 hours to set up a new order, and then you will be given a link + name + pass to authorize an IP to use the proxies, which you give to your buyer. I used these proxies for something other then Runescape from May until now, and never really had a problem. These are fast dedicated US proxies. These are the same proxies that Arctic use to provide in his proxie sales (No longer uses this provider), he switched because he said he experienced downtime with them. I usually had 24\7 up-time for a few weeks, maybe 10-20 mins of downtime a month. If interested, leave a skype. Only accepting a $25 iTunes card at this time, no rsgp or paypal.
  4. Didn't mean to come off the wrong way, but i'm pretty sure I just broke down prices 2 posts ago.. and said I'm not interested in paying a merchants retail price, sorry if it came out the wrong way.
  5. Still looking, mainly a $50/$100 Card atm now
  6. Scout


    You should be able to toggle\play with the sounds on 07 if you don't mind the sound of the axe hitting the trees. Then when you don't hear that annoying tick, you know to go back to cutting lol. With that being said, I'm sure it's possible to do what you're asking for, I'm just too lazy to write it atm.
  7. I know I'm not able to sell accounts yet (I need 100 posts), just wondering if someone could tell me the going rate on an account with Scythe and Ears? No good stats or anything, just the significance being the Ears and Scythe. There really isn't a place to put price checks, so I figured Off Topic\Spam will do.
  8. Scout

    Free Vip

    Lifetime sponsor?
  9. Scout

    ö yay

    congrats, y did u lose it though
  10. Interesting lol. How much? I'd be willing to do 10m maybe.
  11. Yeah no offense.. merching to the extreme.. 15M = $30 if I go sell it to R2Pleasent, but I could get 2.5$/mill selling it street. Most people that buy\sell iTune cards take 80-90% on them.. I'm going to pass, but thanks for the offer. Looking to pay 7-10M 07, not in a rush tbh.
  12. Just wanted to throw this out there.. I made this thread on October 26th, and had 1977 logs. Around 43 hours later, I now have 3200 Logs.. Not bad for just casucally cutting them while I do other stuff online. Get em while I'm bored!
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