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  1. I'm not questioning your business knowledge, I'm concerned about your technical knowledge though. The reason I'm concerned is that running a script on VPS to set it up is not the most efficient way to be doing it, and if you're looking into big business you should be looking at complete automation. Typically, those who go the way you're going don't last long due to their setup.
  2. If you can't write your own setup scripts you may want to consider the business you're getting into. Also, why would you need three different Operating Systems to provide the same function? Just stick to one OS and only sell servers running that OS. Nevertheless, if you do want to press forward, I have a tutorial on another botting website that includes a flawless script for Debian setups. Message me if you're interested, as I'm not sure if I'm allowed to publicly post links to other botting sites.
  3. Awesome! Thanks a lot
  4. Loading Stream_32.so crash still occurs on Debian/Ubuntu Is there a fix incoming for this?
  5. I'm searching and haven't found a thing, do you possibly have Skype?
  6. As weird as it is, there doesn't seem to be one. Java error logs are usually thrown into the home directory of a user, when I check that directory there is no error log
  7. Talking to you on Skype, ordering 20 tutorial island accounts!
  8. If you're willing to provide accounts fresh off of tutorial island, we can definitely do business. Add my Skype
  9. OS: Ubuntu 14.04 ( 32 Bit) Mirror Client: 1.091 OSBot: 2.3.77 When I try to run the Mirror Client, it gets to the "Loading Stream32.so" stage, then proceeds to crash without an error message. Does anyone know the cause? Or even a solution to this? Thanks in advance!
  10. I just thought I'd do the usual thing and post my little introduction thread here on OSBot. My name is Fluffee, I'm not new to the RS Botting scene by any means, but I am new to use OSBot. I look forward to meeting many of you, and providing support to all, as setting up these bots is something I've acquired quite the knack for! I'll see you in the support threads Fluffee
  11. Determining how many accounts you can run isn't really possible, as all scripts are not equal in terms of resources required. As well, you didn't specify if you were using the Mirror Client or the original OSBot client, which would greatly affect the amount of bots you can run. As a general rule you can run more bots on Linux than Windows as Linux can be very lightweight and take up very little resources which would increase the amount of bots you can run. There is no best distribution, however I can personally recommend Debian 7 32 Bit, with the LXDE Desktop Environment! If you have any further questions, feel free to post here, PM me, or add my Skype
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