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About Umbra

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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Signed for 3 years and 17 weeks. (17 weeks is for OSUT). JROTC is for making people interested in the military, nothing more. I sadly only had Air Force JROTC where I was at and hated it. Only did it to get a pay raise when I joined the Army. The LT. Colonel hated me due to I wanted to be Infantry from the start and bashed on the Air Force for those 3 years. Lol
  2. Was in Air Force JROTC and hated it. Would never join the AF unless I got a contract to train to be a fighter pilot of some sort.
  3. Watched it to many times and get's a bit boring now. Any Infantry/CAV movie does that these days.
  4. I got back last December from deployment again and now hating this state. Most bipolar state ever. As well, Korea ain't to bad from what I've heard from friends
  5. Nice. Can't wait to leave Colorado again. Just waiting for next deployment. Lol
  6. I'm stationed at Fort Carson as a 11C The pic in my sig was a pic I took on deployment. I like it honestly. Lol
  7. Who else is in the military here? Be good to know who is.
  8. Trying to get back into the business. Might start a gold business or accounts. Not sure yet.
  9. Still needing the gold peepz.
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