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Everything posted by Tempsssss

  1. Tempsssss

    Fruity NMZ

    Is this script still crashing in mirror mode?
  2. Tempsssss

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey, i have found an issue, i don't know whether it is caused by the mirror client or your script. If connection is lost to the server the bot stays logged out and stays on the log in screen but does nothing, my connection drops several times during the day only for a few seconds which is rather annoying when botting with this script. https://gyazo.com/498739512cce57875c4721eea7ba5bf9 Thanks in advance.
  3. Hey Czar, what are your thoughts about using this script for Deadman mode? is it suitable?
  4. Thank you very much kind person.
  5. Hey Czar, the script keeps doing this whilst thieving from the silk stall in ardy. https://gyazo.com/cd77f67e431fc1d3f95a18c4b2b87b12
  6. Please could i have a trial for this?
  7. Script name: AIO Agility Member number: 124152 I purchased your blastfurnance script a few weeks ago and I am really impressed with it and I wanted to test out your other scripts that I'm interested in. Thanks
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