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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Where The Grass Is Green. ;)
  • Interests
    RuneScape, Botting, Smoking weed, Chillin, PlayStation. Other shit.

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    I burn so many trees that I have splinters in my toaster
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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. BBQ Meat lovers. You look like someone who'd like alot of meat. ;)
  2. Rest

    Bank and Stats

    I know it's not alot. I'm not trying to brag. Lol. It's about 7M.
  3. Rest

    Bank and Stats

    Been botting 3 days straight with breaks and I have been doing fine. Not sure what else brings in money. Nope it wasn't. Been botting 3 days straight with breaks and I have been doing fine. Not sure what else brings in money. EDIT: I'm also using your rock crabs script on a different account. Very bot like because of the talking it does. I suggest you take that out. Around 2 weeks.
  4. Rest

    BETA v1.7.37/38

    Got stuck on random "Molly". Does nothing. http://prntscr.com/1o8z0f EDIT: Nevermind I got it working.
  5. Rest

    BETA v1.7.35

    [iNFO ][08/29/13 05:01:37 PM]: Injecting client... Does nothing after this.
  6. Hello, I would like you all to know.. THAT IM AM MOTHER FUCKING STONED. Thanks have a nice day.
  7. I was watching videos of that today.
  8. Nice, clean, looks easy to use. A++
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