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  1. Hi I'd like to buy $50 worth of BTC for PayPal or RSGP, preferably Paypal. We either use a middleman or you go first.
  2. I'll sell you the gold, add me on discord Koak#8361
  3. If you're that worried about it, pay somebody outside the community (Somebody who wouldn't want to use your script) a couple bucks to look over the code to ensure it's safe. Or just pay the extra money and go with somebody reputable.
  4. Quite a few times I came back to the bot standing there, so it is pretty frequent.
  5. Is there anyway to hide this text? It appears over the camera position/yaw and it generally gets in the way of debugging
  6. Hey, I'm having some issues where the script will stop at edgeville bank and just stands there until it eventually logs out. This was in the logger "[INFO][Bot #1][08/10 10:05:39 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold."
  7. Still running the script. I'll give another one of your scripts a go when I setup a few extra bots
  8. Script is running good thus far, the only problem i have with it is it uses almost the exact same coordinates for its path every time Edit: Account was banned after about 6 hours of botting with breaking - Most likely due to either the walking or the fact the bot would often get stuck in the bank just constantly withdrawing and depositing items. All in all I wouldn't purchase this script, thanks for the trial however.
  9. I regret to inform you all other posters are actually incorrect, the real chances are 83.258319%. Trust me, I googled it
  10. Gave it another go last night and it ran successfully for hours. Awesome script just needs a few updates
  11. Now that I have got wildy ditch disabled I ran the bot at west with breaks and after about 5 trips it opened the bank and doesn't attempt to withdraw any food or anything. After stopping the script and attempting to run it again it still stands at the bank even though there's still food, potions and tabs in there. Only when I withdraw them manually will the bot start again
  12. West drags? I kept rings of dueling and games necklaces in the bank the bot didn't seem to use them and I didn't see an option in the GUI. Do I have to put them on before starting the bot?
  13. It's much more than 3-5 times, I tested it on 6 accounts. Regardless of how many times it does actually take, it's something that should be supported for a premium script
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