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Trade With Caution
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About Carter44

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  1. im getting back for him, my cousins got it, but feel free to perm ban me, thanks
  2. I have 0 reasn to give him the bond, makes no sense.
  3. dat twc

    1. Carter44


      fuck knows what that stands for but yah

  4. why can't i leave him feedback? this is why: http://gyazo.com/457594e5ceb26e3dff514173dc0f31f5
  5. i have no irl money or gp so it'll take like a week
  6. i hadn't started the service, i had told you to go to someone else aswell, it was not wasting your money at all since im sure there is quite a few other services which can do the service for you within 14 days of your membership running out. it will take quite a while for me to make the money.
  7. we didnt have an agreement to refund the bonds if i cancelled the services, so why should i have to refund?
  8. dex gave me a warning saying not too say "rip off" or anything like that on your threads
  9. ok, i dunno where 2 bonds came from? only 1 account and iv'e left better feedback, proof of feedback : http://gyazo.com/457594e5ceb26e3dff514173dc0f31f5
  10. k, he asked me if i can powerlevel for him and he told me levels, then i said ye, i linked u pictures of wat happened after tht
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