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  1. Make sure your output directory is the osbot scripts folder and when you click [file -> new -> project] top left it should say Project SDK: 1.8 (java version "") and if not click [New...] and select the jdk 1.8 folder If that still doesn't work: after building (ctrl+F9) you should see a .jar in your scripts folder, when starting osbot it will give you errors in the logger, paste those here if you can't solve them (it should say something like failed to load 'scriptname')
  2. private int startingGP; private int displayedGain; onstart -> startingGP = get coins from inv; displayedGain = 0; onloop -> pickupcoins(); pickupcoins -> take; displayedGain = get coins from inv - startingGP;
  3. onstart note starting coins/whatever else you are picking up every time you bank take note of what you deposit (or withdraw if you need coins for some other reason) at the end just do current + total banked - start = gain, you can update this every time you bank for an overlay OR same deal onstart check what you have, every time you take something update total picked up = total - starting amount for your overlay
  4. How do you find which config id to use for tutorial or a quest, I haven't been able to find a list, are you just supposed to log whenever a config change to find it?
  5. Okay I found the problem! if you go in cmd -> java -version it might say 1.8.x but in intelliJ idea your default version might be different and it wouldn't have shown on java -version... click new next to the "Project SDK" in the new project window and select your jdk1.8.0_231 folder!
  6. That is the guide I used! I followed every step, I have java 8, everything seems fine
  7. Am I supposed to have a .class or .jar in the scripts folder? I can't find any correct replies to similar problems so I have no clue what is wrong, most people have over complicated code or stuff that makes no sense but I just followed the skeleton
  8. I don't think it has to do with the manifest... I found this https://i.imgur.com/WVZOQtc.png , will look into it
  9. I have this in the logger: https://i.imgur.com/pyD9emj.png I used EXACTLY this code I can't seem to find anyone with this exact problem and replies to their post
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