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  1. hey man i've sent you a pm including the receipt details and was wondering if i can get this script and the stronghold one for free using the 2v1 deal since I've bought four of yours around November. think that's possible or nah?
  2. Hey man can you check your pm for a message I sent you regarding a deal you offer?

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  3. I left you a PM about the 2 for 1 deal

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  4. at al kharid, when the guy reaches the range, more times than not he walks back to the door and then back to the range. not sure if this is intentional but seems a little fishy. oh and is there a way to stop the script from clicking on the toggle run thing while cooking?
  5. Fishing at Catherby and after awhile I just log out for no apparent reason. Not sure if it's the server, client, or script but here's the logger thing
  6. On the west falador mine, is it possible to identify your agility so you're able to hop over the west wall for much faster iron banking?
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