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Everything posted by Kushitious

  1. Can do for 10gp/xp as well
  2. Currently have a 1 def 60 attack 70 strength 76 range and mage. Monkey madness completed, has mithril gloves, firecape, mage arena cloak, book of darkness, law, and unholy book. Also got heron pet @54 fishing (its insured) It's 3 quests from dt and 1 requirement of thieving (only needs)6 levels
  3. Bump, strength is now @ lvl 70. Got fishing pet @54 fishing!!
  4. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://prnt.sc/jgdt2y 2. Pictures of the login details https://prnt.sc/jgqx3l 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://prnt.sc/jgdv4f http://prntscr.com/jhxbyg 4. Pictures of the quests completed https://gyazo.com/c933b0c1d7d2f8d9f622853327a04436 5. The price you will be starting bids at 25m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 50m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07gp 8. Your trading conditions Will be using MM for trade 9. Pictures of the account status https://prnt.sc/jgdv7l 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am OO, Email will be changed to yours upon purchase of the account.
  5. I have 1 def account is 2 quests and few stats from dt. what would you be offering for dt done? has 75 mage 76 range 65 str 60 att 43 prayer firecape, mithril gloves, book of law/darkness/unholy
  6. I started to build this 1def pure and lost motivation to keep playing it. Goal was 75+str and 85 mage for tb and 52 prayer for smite. Account has monkey madness completed, also has mithril gloves, and a fire cape! Stats - https://prnt.sc/jgdt2y Untradeables - https://prnt.sc/jgdv4f ban meter - https://prnt.sc/jgdv7l Also has Mage arena cape with all spells unlocked. I am OO/Creator. Looking for some price checks to see if its even worth selling.
  7. Time frame? If you can have Dbuffed confirm mm in post and give a time frame, we can talk.
  8. Yea forsure lemme just do a deal with a TWC
  9. Sounds good just send a pm if anything changes.
  10. Is there an auto win? If not bump me up to 25m
  11. I can gear the account but it will be welfare since i dont want to put any gp risk onto the account. (will have blowpipe/fury) Looking to get quotes. Will use a middleman if possible/if trusted i will go first. Thanks!
  12. Dropped them when picking up scales/items when food is full. i setup a reecording to record clientt while it ran but i was banned so i cannot test anymore
  13. Just gonna post this here since I couldn't find a bug report template. Every so often when killing zulrah and getting ready to teleport out of the boss place it drops an item or two. It doesnt eat food to make space it just drops items. the first time it dropped my Book of darkness and my zammy cape. Next time it dropped my occult and malediction ward. both are stuck @ zulrah place. I am not sure what is even causing the drop of items. Edit: The logger shows it has no anguish but it does the occult and malediction are gone.
  14. Thanks for the useless post. As you can see someone posted saying "needing 7m" I was unaware if he had sold some or not. Nice comment though.
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