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  1. That just shows me the scripts I have added already and allows me to start them. From the FAQ: I can't find the script browser.
  2. Hey everyone; I haven't used OSBot in years (0.x.x days) but I'm about to do some fletching and I'm not a fan of how incredibly un-afkable darting is, so I decided to redownload the client. Logged in and downloaded it, but I can't seem to figure out how to access the script browser? I may just be doing something wrong because, as I said, I haven't used it in years, but I am absolutely stumped. I've attached some images of my client. Any and all help is appreciated.
  3. So I got off my computer for about 30 minutes today to make some breakfast and coffee, and when I returned from my meal I found that my level 72 defense pure had been banned. I've read lots of guides on how to avoid botting bans and I'd like to lay out the behavior used in training this account so that perhaps someone can point out mistakes I made and changes I can make in the future. I worked on the account for months before I began to bot it and I'm really disappointed to have never made it to my goal of 99 defense. While botting this account, I: ran it alongside a main that I was training by hand (same ip, but I've been told that it's safe to do 2 accounts at once as many people play together in a single household and it did not violate the login limit) monitored it relentlessly; the 30 minute break I took for breakfast this morning was the longest I've left it unattended since its creation never botted for more than 8 hours a day, and never for longer than 2 hours at a time switched worlds when mine became too crowded switched armor and weapons as I leveled up and new gear became available switched training locations as I became better equipped to handle them took regular breaks from combat training to train other skills (52 fishing 50 cooking 44 mining etc) made friends on said account and regularly socialized/trained with them quested here and there For all I knew I was a blue raft in the middle of the ocean; my behavior mirrored that of a regular, hand-played account and yet, somehow, I was handed a permanent ban. Any help or wisdom that could be imparted would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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