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Everything posted by HazardousRS

  1. Make sure to keep progress daily or at least at each acheivment! Will be very fun to watch and see how it pans out!
  2. Idk why everyone is freaking out. I've been constructive in every single post. Thanks for the warm welcome.
  3. True.. but everything has a little luck aspect.
  4. Thank you very much sir LOL hi..... ;P PS Lights is sexy AF. Mind if I stare at your memes/gifs forever?
  5. ;( High risk, high reward I suppose. This is what RS used to be all about and why it was fun. The grind.
  6. Yeah that's why I slowed down when people started freaking out. I complelety understand. Anyways, good to meet you. Thanks I guess. Ha Yeah exactly :P Sound like the dos equis guy :P
  7. Oh okay, well good luck getting 5k+ posts *HINT* If you "spam" you will get hate. ;) I may or may not know from recent experience. ;)
  8. What is power abusing?
  9. 4700 posts? Why did you reset?
  10. If you go to appeal, there are huge letters in red saying that their bot banning system is 100% fool proof and they are taking no inquiries. Complete BS imo, but yeah, you're shit out of luck it seems.
  11. All good, I understand it for the most part! Thank you
  12. Okay gotcha! I would be in chat, but it's not working for me for some reason. Annnnnnd as I type that, it loads! Thanks
  13. LOL I was told not to spam as in just posting "asdf" in every post I could find. However, I did leave a real message to each of those people. I will stop for today though! Sorry!
  14. Well I mean how else do I get 100 posts? :P I'll stop for today I suppose.
  15. Was told not to spam, I'm just replying to posts. Want 100 so I can start browsing the market. Don't plan on doing big things right away.. Idk why I would get a TWC..
  16. Good luck with future endeavors!
  17. Been there, done that! Hope to see you active again!
  18. Good to meet you "nobody"
  19. VPN is your best bet. Changing IP is quite simple, but depends on your router/modem. Google/Youtube (same shit nowadays) will be your best bet! Welcome!
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