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  1. java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.Gc.<init>(wo:158) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.prepare(qh:171) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(qh:197) at org.osbot.nUL.run(ak:448) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Worked perfectly yesterday.
  2. Yeah, I, kind of, figured it out at the start. Just made a silly mistake implementing it.
  3. Oh, I did. There's nothing in there for selecting an item from the widget that I've mentioned higher. Also, api for button to confirm offer (sell or buy) doesn't work too. setQuantity and getQuantity isn't working either. I made custom methods for all of that. Still, GE API is pretty decent. Can't complain.
  4. Yeah, that was a silly mistake. Thank you very much for responding. It's a separate class with a constructor public MinMaxPrice(Script sI) { this.sI = sI; } So I have to do it like this: sI.mouse.click(sI.mouse.getPosition().x, sI.mouse.getPosition().y, false);
  5. It doesn't work without the first line though. edit: not like it works with it
  6. I can only hover() this widget, but how could I click it? What I've tried so far: Mouse mouse = new Mouse(); mouse.click(mouse.getPosition().x, mouse.getPosition().y, false); ava.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.execute(kc:642) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.click(no:157)
  7. Hey, using grandExchange API how do I select an item to buy? I manage to get GE open, select a slot, but can't find anything there about selecting an item? Should I simply use TypeStringEvent, and choose item that way? Either way, can I get an example? Thanks.
  8. Khaleesi, have you tried osbot pathFinder ? i use iy for walking when i only have one point
  9. well, but it traverses back. doesny that mean that loop oterates back to zero?
  10. try tu use something like: if p = length of the array, break it
  11. Honestly? No idea. Mine works, and I'm happy
  12. public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { Graphics2D gr = (Graphics2D) g; } Does your onPaint method looks like this? Because I had the same problem, and it was Graphics instead of Graphics2D, i think. I was watching osbot1 paint guide to make a paint for osbot v2, so situation is the same.
  13. thanks. Method, if someone might be interested: public Position positionInFront(){ int dir = myPlayer().getRotation()/256; Position myPos = myPlayer().getPosition(); Position pos = null; if(dir == 0){ pos = new Position(myPos.getX(),myPos.getY()-1,myPos.getZ()); }else if(dir==2){ pos = new Position(myPos.getX()-1,myPos.getY(),myPos.getZ()); }else if(dir == 4){ pos = new Position(myPos.getX(),myPos.getY()+1,myPos.getZ()); }else if (dir == 6){ pos = new Position(myPos.getX()+1,myPos.getY(),myPos.getZ()); } return pos; }
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