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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Jonny

  1. let him sue, it is just an 12 year old fapping to himself makin 5 bucks

    He has no feedback on any sites, he was trying to sell gold to me when we first met and refused to use an MM when he had to feedback to trust him. 


    - I have no feedback but that is because Maldesto merged two of my accounts together and my feedback was deleted.

  2. Back story, a couple weeks ago I opened a gold shop strictly on OSBot planning to expand into a website this week or the next. 

    A random user added me on skype and requested to be a worker for me, as I knew nothing of him I declined him as he had never posted on any threads, on any forums showing me I couldn't trust this person.

    Now when the gold prices dropped drastically I sold all my gold to make sure I had no downfall and have been waiting for the price to steady again to re-open and finally expand. What this user did was go behind my back and started to plan to open a gold company in my name - it may not be big on osbot but it was big on other sites until I took a year gap. 

    Then has enough nerve to say he is going to get the name copyrighted and I have two weeks to change my name or i'll be sued haha!



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  3. This question shouldn't even be asked.



    Every picture he has sent us he is white. No doubt about it and yet still claims he is black while using  "N**ga" all the way through it.

    no he kind of looks mexican though in the second one lel

    That's what I thought as well but he said he has no Hispanic relatives.

  4. Weird question.



    For the past hour we've had a argument/conversation over the fact that in the picture he looks white yet claims to be black and the pictures are supposedly proof that he is black.


    He is a friend over the internet with us and in no way are we racist we just want to prove that he doesn't look black in these pictures.



    3d0953730971daaed0dbfdf9b48e6370.png the one on the right.

  5. when deciding to use a god's name as your username, please don't pick such a shitty god. 


    "He was a minor figure in Greek mythology, often referred to, but rarely appearing in person."


    ur god game is weak

    A God is a God.


    Maybe you should re-think your Ariel profile picture before talking shit.

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