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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Jonny

  1. You can't always get what you want. There's no reason to take this public and you should just talk to staff about this privately. 

    You can appeal TWC if you have refunded the person you scammed.

    I did? I have to show I can be trusted?

  2. Do they mean you can't hold a service thread or like you can't do services whatsoever?

    That's what I am trying to find out, I work for dbuffed and I do services for him all the time, am I not allowed to do that anymore even after paying deposit and not being paid till end?

  3. This is not an appeal so don't say it is.



    I am posting here and not in support as i'd like some instant answers.


    So I am TWC because I scamquitted offsite, I went back refunded apologised for my own mistakes and I am fine with being TWC because of that as that is what I deserve, but how am I meant to show i'm trustworthy when I am not even allowed to do services anymore?



    I have never scammed on this website and never will scam anyone again and I want to make that clear when I do services as I always use a VMM @Dbuffed or if they are fine with going first. I always go first with those who I deemed trusted such as @Dieze in which I am doing a Range Service for right now.


    I work for @Dbuffed am I allowed to work under his name now? There has not been any information on this and it's made me paranoid.


    My feedback while being TWC:







    @Maldesto How am I meant to show you I can be trusted when I cannot do services?

    I recently was trusted with multiple high end banks which goes over the amount stated by you, when saying how could I be trusted with x amount.


    THIS IS NOT AN APPEAL, THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK, I am simply wanting some answers to whats going on.

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